Sign in to the Azure portal.Create a storage accountA storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage accoun...
Create a storage account using Azure portalSign in to the Azure portal using the same account you used to activate the sandbox. On the resource menu, or from the Home page, select Storage accounts. The Storage accounts pane appears. On the command bar, select Create. The Create ...
Determine the appropriate settings for each storage account Create a storage account using the Azure portal Start Add Add to Collections Add to Plan Prerequisites Experience with the Azure portal Familiarity with the Azure data services Blobs, Files, Queues, and Tables...
安全性允许的复制操作范围(预览版)必需选择可从中将数据复制到新帐户的存储帐户的范围。 默认值为From any storage account。 设置为默认值时,具有相应权限的用户可以将数据从任何存储帐户复制到新帐户。 如果选择From storage accounts in the same Azure AD tenant,则仅允许从同一 Microsoft Entra 租户中的存储帐户...
預設值是 From any storage account。 當設定為預設值時,具有適當權限的使用者可以將資料從任何儲存體帳戶複製到新的帳戶。選取[From storage accounts in the same Azure AD tenant],只允許從相同 Microsoft Entra 租用戶的儲存體帳戶内複製作業。選取[From storage accounts that have a private endpoint to the ...
An Azure SQL database is created with a defined set ofcompute and storage resources. The database is created within anAzure resource groupand in anAzure SQL Database logical server. Follow these steps to create a SQL database containing the Adventure Works LT sample data. ...
InStorage Quota, enter the amount of storage space on the server to dedicate to this site collection. InServer Resource Quota, enter the amount of server resources to dedicate to this site collection. The default value is 300. Create a community site ...
Set the Azure parameters. Packaging Machine Name - must conform to Azure virtual machine name requirements. Size – virtual machine size. Virtual Network and Subnet - for deploying the packaging machine. IMPORTANT: Make sure the value for theResource group locationmatches theStorage account locationth...
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet", "POP3Server": "** Your Setting **", "POP3Port": "** Your Setting **", "POP3UseSSL": "** Your Setting **", "POP3Username": "** Your Setting **", ...
To create an Azure storage account with the Azure portal, follow these steps: From the left portal menu, select Storage accounts to display a list of your storage accounts. If the portal menu isn't visible, select the menu button to toggle it on. On the Storage accounts page, select Cre...