unordered_map 是关联容器,含有带唯一键的键(key;it->first)-值(value;it->second) pair 。搜索、插入和元素移除拥有平均常数时间复杂度。 元素在内部不以任何特定顺序排序,而是组织进桶中。元素放进哪个桶完全依赖于其键的哈希。这允许对单独元素的快速访问,因为一旦计算哈希,则它准确指代元素所放进的桶。 Ha...
hash_map相比unordered_map就是千万级别以上内存占用少15MB,上亿时候内存占用少300MB,百万以下都是unordered_map占用内存少, 且unordered_map插入删除相比hash_map都快一倍,查找效率相比hash_map差不多,或者只快了一点约1/50到1/100。 综合非有序或者要求稳定用map,都应该使用unordered_map,set类型也是类似的。 uno...
1>项目“D:\code\unordered_map\unordered_map\unordered_map.vcxproj”在节点 2 上(Build 个目标)。 1>Link: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT /OUT:"D:\code\unordered_map\Debug\unordered_map.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32...
<unordered_map> Unordered map header(header) <unordered_set> Unordered set header(header) <vector> Vector header(header) Input/Output Stream Library Provides functionality to use an abstraction calledstreamsspecially designed to perform input and output operations on sequences of character, like files ...
<map> <queue> <set> <stack> C++11 <unordered_map> C++11 <unordered_set> <vector> Input/Output: <fstream> <iomanip> <ios> <iosfwd> <iostream> <istream> <ostream> <sstream> <streambuf> Multi-threading: C++11 <atomic> C++11
map和set的模拟实现 11个月前 stack_queue_realize/stack_queue_realize add priority_queue 1年前 stl_realize stl_realize 3个月前 string_realize/string_realize 补充反向迭代器 1年前 udp_client/udp_client udpClient 3个月前 unordered_map_set/unordered_map_set 位图和布隆过滤器...
<map> <queue> <set> <stack> C++11 <unordered_map> C++11 <unordered_set> <vector> Input/Output: <fstream> <iomanip> <ios> <iosfwd> <iostream> <istream> <ostream> <sstream> <streambuf> Multi-threading: C++11 <atomic> C++11 <condition_variable> C++11 <future> C++11 <mu...
long ttl_ms = 60000; MessagingQos messagingQos(ttl_ms); // optional custom headers std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> customHeaders; customHeaders.emplace("key1", "value1"); ... customHeaders.emplace("keyN", "valueN"); messagingQos.putAllCustomMessageHeaders(customHeaders);...
Need a data structure where I can map a string to a type [General C++ Programming] Hi, Need a certain compile time map m like this: using Type = typename m["Customer"]::type; // Type would be Customer [/code] How can i do this? ... Nov 12, 2024 at 5:03pm [10 replies...
Choosing the most efficient data structure and algorithm can significantly impact the performance of yourC++ code. For example, using a vector instead of a list can be faster for random access, while a map or unordered_map can be faster for searching. Be sure to evaluate your options and cho...