InvivoGen offers high-quality CpG ODNs that are functionally tested and guaranteed endotoxin-free to avoid non-specific immune stimulation. The most widely referenced of them are ODN2006, ODN1826 and ODN2216. CpG ODNs of class A, B or C stimulate PBMCs,
InvivoGen also offers: • TLR reporter cells: HEK293, RAW, THP-1 cells • TLR research tools: Antibodies, Inhibitors, etc. ODN 2395 VacciGrade™ is a Class C CpG oligonucleotide (ODN), specific for the human and murine Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) [1]. It is a short synthetic...
CpG ODN的选择你明白了吗? InvivoGen 1977年成立于法国,是法国第一家生物科技公司。公司成立的初期阶段主要提供细胞培养相关试剂,如抗支原体、细菌、真菌污染的抗生素以及基因筛选抗生素(Blasticidin, Puromycin, HygromycinB,G418, Zeocin)。随着天然免疫研究热点的兴起,InvivoGen于2000年开始致力于天然免疫相关产品的研发...
21.在本发明实施例中所涉及到的动物:6-8周龄雄性c57bl/6j小鼠,体重16~22g,购买于南方医科大学实验动物中心。 22.在本发明实施例中所涉及到的主要试剂:cpg odn(invivogen公司),序列为:5 ’‑ tccatgacgttcctgacgtt-3’;对乙酰氨基酚(美国sigma公司)。 23.实施例1 24.cpg odn显著提高apap处理的小鼠生存...
具有刺激小鼠b淋巴细胞活性的cpg odn其碱基序列大多有一定规律:cpg二核苷酸近5’端两碱基一般为嘌呤,以gpa更佳,近3’两碱基一般为嘧啶,以tpc或tpt为佳(kriegam,yiak,matson s,et a1.cpg motifs in bacterial dna trigger direct b-cell activation[j].nature,1995,374(6522):546-549)。cpg二核苷酸近5’端...
CpGolignnucleotidesinvitroandinvivo.Immunology,2002, 106 (1):102.1l2. McCluskieMJ,KriegAM.Enhancem~ntofinfectiousdiseasevac— cinesthmushTLR9 一dependentrecognitionofCpGDNA.CurtTop MicmbiolImmunol,2006,311:155—178. JeongKY,HongbCS,Y0ngTS.Recombinantallergensfordiagnosis andimmunotherapyof...
登录 注册 论文 > 毕业论文 > CpG-ODN促进犬瘟热核酸免疫的研究 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 58阅读文档大小:761.78K6页cxmckate1上传于2015-02-10格式:PDF
CpG 2395 ODN is human and murine TLR9 agonist. InvivoGen CpG ODNs are functionally tested and guaranteed endotoxin-free to avoid non-specific immune stimulation. The sequence of CpG-C ODN 2395 is tcgtcgttttcggcgc:gcgccg.
CpG 2006 ODN (also known as CpG ODN 7909) is a human TLR9 ligand. InvivoGen's CpG oligonucleotides are functionally tested and guaranteed endotoxin-free to avoid non-specific immune stimulation. The sequence of CpG-B (type K) ODN 2006 (also known as PF-3
InvivoGen 1977年成立于法国,是法国第一家生物科技公司。公司成立的初期阶段主要提供细胞培养相关试剂,如抗支原体、细菌、真菌污染的抗生素以及基因筛选抗生素(Blasticidin, Puromycin, HygromycinB,G418, Zeocin)。随着天然免疫研究热点的兴起,InvivoGen于2000年开始致力于天然免疫相关产品的研发和生产,并成为全世界最优质...