You never want to shoot near his head if you can avoid it. It may also be useful to take a green horse to a local mounted shooting match and tie him to the fence to watch and listen to the commotion of the shoot (make sure to tie him up good and out of harms way). When you...
Hello, my name is Dana Hillman, aka 2 Gun Dana in the SASS shooting world. I started shooting in 1996 with my first major match. Over the years I have built my shooting skills to a level that has enabled me to win two World Ladies Modern Titles, three World Mounted Titles, and two ...
Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) is fairly unknown in the shooting world, but once someone discovers it, they often become hooked for life. Why? Tex, one of the founders of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sums it up in a nutshell. “Yes, it’s a competition, we keep score, bu...
Arkansas Shooting Range Reopens After $120,000 Repairs + Upgrades Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Featured Chick-fil-A on Richmond Road to be Torn Down for New Building Chick-...
“I’ve been part of the nameless act of shooting people off buildings in satiric movies to more realistic ones,” says Eastwood who concedes that the film “has that revenge theme that a lot of Westerns have. But the reason I liked this film is because even the perpetrators of the vio...