Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) is fairly unknown in the shooting world, but once someone discovers it, they often become hooked for life. Why? Tex, one of the founders of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sums it up in a nutshell. “Yes, it’s a competition, we keep score, bu...
WASS is the organizing body in New Zealand for Western Action Shooting and, as such, assists clubs throughout the country to run CAS style events. This year the Rifle Rod and Gun Club, in Palmerston North, was the chosen club and the WASS County Rangers organized a fair dinkum, full on...
Arkansas Shooting Range Reopens After $120,000 Repairs + Upgrades Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Featured Chick-fil-A on Richmond Road to be Torn Down for New Building Chick-...