” Afraid there’d be nothing left to paint by the time he finished school, he purchased an Eastman Screen Focus Kodak and spent several months shooting pictures of the West Texas ranching outfits. He sold his first prints for $15 to National Magazine, who called them “uncommonly good,” ...
Posted on June 4th, 2011 by Admin | Posted in Shooting Events New Zealand Shootout WASS 3rd Annual Cowboy Championship & New Zealand End of Trail By: The Hangman Will Lynch, SASS #7623, WASS #15 The Western Action Shooting Society, Inc. (WASS), New Zealand (NZ) 3rd Annual Cowboy ...
Like most beginning shooters, I started out in an area where cowboy action shooting was not really happening. My dad and I had no one to really show us the ropes, techniques, and bio-mechanics of the sport. I started out with 7 ½ ” Ruger Vaqueros, using factory full load .45 co...
Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) is fairly unknown in the shooting world, but once someone discovers it, they often become hooked for life. Why? Tex, one of the founders of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sums it up in a nutshell. “Yes, it’s a competition, we keep score, bu...
"It was not predatory and so we see no reason to take action against the bear," said Kerry Gunther, bear management biologist for Yellowstone National Park, in a statement to the Associated Press. For me, when I hear the facts of what took place with the bear being at least 100 yards...
Arkansas Shooting Range Reopens After $120,000 Repairs + Upgrades Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Featured Chick-fil-A on Richmond Road to be Torn Down for New Building Chick-...