For Your Cowboy Shooting Bullets Bang and Clang, LLC 10% off all orders with Gila Ranger Membership CONTACT US The Gila Rangers are one of the finest equipped SASS® clubs in New Mexico... We have nine permanent natural ranges, complete with building facades...
9 Copyright© Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. 2022 Version 26.2 KATEGORIE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG Oberhalb der in diesem Handbuch aufgeführten „Basiskategorien", dem monatlichen Match-Level des lokalen Clubs und dem jährlichen Match-Level des Clubs, können alle SASS-anerkannten Schieß...
Cowboy Action Main Match Ground Shooting:Cowboy action shooting uses “live” ammunition. All rifles and pistols must be chambered in calibers that are commonly referred to as revolver or pistol calibers and must be from .32 to .45 caliber and encompass such authentic calibers as .32-20, ...
This December match is a split month because the Sunday is the first of the month, and that means Saturday is the last day of the previous month. That happens once in a while. The 5 Dogs Creek Cowboy Action shooting matches are always theFIRST SUNDAY of the month, and the Saturday of...
Winning Tips for SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Competitions Posted byRossRideron Apr 18, 2019 inBlog,CAS Basics,CAS Tips and Tactics,Clubs & Matches,Featured|0 comments A lot of new members ask SASS cowboy action shooting long timers... ...
Cowboy Action Shooting™ (CAS) is the fastest growing shooting sport in the country. CAS continues to attract new shooters even though it has been around for a long time. Inspired by the movie “The Wild Bunch”, a group of shooters in California began shooting “cowboy style” on a ...
Local SASS Clubs Cowboy Action Shooting Sports CASS Berkley Springs, WV. Dakota Badlanders Damascus Wildlife Rangers Damascus, MD. Hollidaysburg Sportsman's Club Hollidaysburg, PA. Jefferson Outlaws Jefferson, PA. Logan's Ferry Regulators Pittsburgh, PA ...
Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) is fairly unknown in the shooting world, but once someone discovers it, they often become hooked for life. Why? Tex, one of the founders of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sums it up in a nutshell. “Yes, it’s a competition, we keep score, bu...
WASS is the organizing body in New Zealand for Western Action Shooting and, as such, assists clubs throughout the country to run CAS style events. This year the Rifle Rod and Gun Club, in Palmerston North, was the chosen club and the WASS County Rangers organized a fair dinkum, full on...
Arkansas Shooting Range Reopens After $120,000 Repairs + Upgrades Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Texas Officials Issue Update & Alert On Strange Seed Packages in The Mail Featured Chick-fil-A on Richmond Road to be Torn Down for New Building Chick-...