1716 New Delhi, October 18th, 2021: Many people reported a sudden, sharp decline in exercise during COVID19 lockdowns, but few studies have examined its effect on metabolism. The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, National Institute for Biotechnology in the Nege...
as recent trends indicated,Silicon Valley and affiliated monopolies are notching up record profits along withrecord social media censorships.US billionaires raked in$434 billionin the first two months of the lockdownalone.The more the lockdowns, the more the wealth accrued to the...
A new study shows the early lockdowns implemented in the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic saved lives. However, the decision to use lockdowns is much more nuanced and the research shouldn’t be used to justify lockdowns now or to retroactively endorse that approach. Lockdowns d...
"COVID-19 lockdowns created the perfect storm for increases in online sexual exploitation of children," explained John Tanagho of the International Justice Mission in Manila. The Philippine government saw a 260 percent increase in reports of online child abuse materials from March to May—when th...
Diffenbaugh, N.S., Field, C.B., Appel, E.A.et al.The COVID-19 lockdowns: a window into the Earth System.Nat Rev Earth Environ1, 470–481 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-020-0079-1 Download citation Accepted06 July 2020 ...
Thousands of medical practitioners and public health scientists have signed a declaration arguing for an alternative public health approach to dealing with covid-19. The Great Barrington Declaration,1 published on Monday 5 October, was drawn up by three epidemiologists and public health experts from ...
Here, we conducted a retrospective analysis using police-recorded crime data in the UK to examine the impact of COVID-19 restrictions and changes in human activity on fraud. Results indicate that following the onset of the lockdown, the number of recorded fraud cases increased by 28.5%, ...
In Spain – where lockdown rules are extremely strict, and many people are being fined for breaking them – the government has told women they will not be fined if they leave home to report abuse. For some victims, it was too little, too late. On 19 March, the country saw the first...
The coronavirus pandemic is expected to impact US industries dependent on Chinese imports. Credit: Shutterstock.com Visit our COVID-19 microsite for the latest coronavirus news, analysis and updates Free Whitepaper What is the impact of China’s Zero-COVID lockdo...
lockdowns 4.1. Impact on total employment Our estimate of the causal effect parameter γ allows us to compute how many jobs were destroyed solely due to private responses to incremental COVID-19 infections, in the absence of lockdowns. The cleanest estimate of γ is −1.02, reported in ...