Diffenbaugh, N.S., Field, C.B., Appel, E.A.et al.The COVID-19 lockdowns: a window into the Earth System.Nat Rev Earth Environ1, 470–481 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-020-0079-1 Download citation Accepted06 July 2020 ...
As COVID-19 lockdowns begin to ease across Europe, the idea of returning to 'normal' life after over a year of restrictions has caused many to feel anxious. "The thought of lockdown lifting is kind of like a ticking time bomb," Amy Clement, from London, told ...
Lockdown was the false debate of 2020. Nobody wants lockdown, neither the John Snows nor the Great Barringtons. But lockdown is the end game, the last resort before we are overwhelmed by a virus that has escaped the pandemic policy. Once that happens, lockdown is a tool to control ...
We isolate the economic effect of COVID-19 that operates through the fear of infection: The fact that people voluntarily hunker down and curtail economic activities in response to local outbreaks, even without government-mandated lockdowns. Our estimate provides a unique reference point for the eco...
Some countries' lockdowns were more effective than others at stemming spread of the coronavirus. So why would flu have dropped even if COVID-19 still was on the rise? "Clearly the vigilance required to be successful against COVID is really high," said CDC's Redfield. "This virus is one...
The contrast materials are largely produced in Shanghai, China which is currently undergoing an unprecedented lock down due to COVID-19. "COVID-19 shutdowns in Shanghai, China, have caused a significant global shortage of intravenous contrast used in imaging procedures like enhanced ...
在新西兰应对 Covid-19 疫情初期,政府雷厉风行地采取了 Lockdown 和疫苗等强制性措施。 而这些强制性措施的推动,都是需要法律依据的。 所以,当时政府通过紧急立法,给自己赋予了掌管大局的权力。并且把权力下达给当时的卫生部总干事 Ash...
The increased threat to women and children was a predictable side effect of the COVID-19 lockdowns, said activists. It didn't take a genius to predict the psychological toll harsh lockdowns would extract, but our so-called leaders went ahead and imposed them anyway. And they are doggedly...
This leads to the conclusion that lockdowns may not be worth it. While they may slow the rate of infection spread somewhat, the economic damage they do can dwarf the benefits of that delay. Christopher Martensonis a former American biochemical scientist. Currently he is a writer and trend fo...
The lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on levels of suicidal ideation, a new study finds. The research, published in Open Medicine, was conducted in a Serbian psychiatric clinic shortly after a nationwide lockdown.