COVID-19-lockdownEmergency-roomPsychiatryObjective : To examine whether the 1st COVID-19 lockdown in Israel affected emergency psychiatric presentations in a general hospital. Method : We studied files of patients who underwent psychiatric consultation in the emergency-room (ER) at the Tel-Aviv ...
19 The three calculations from the US and the UK yield three estimates that are strikingly close to one another, and they are roughly double the relationship between employment losses and infection rates implied by our causal estimate without lockdowns.20 One interpretation is that, even if they...
The COVID-19 lockdown has drastically limited social interactions and brought about a climate of fear and uncertainty. These circumstances not only increased affective symptoms and social isolation among community dwelling older adults but also alter the dynamics between them. Using network analyses, we...
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting measures can be regarded as a global stressor. Cross-sectional studies showed rather negative impacts on people’s mental health, while longitudinal studies considering pre-lockdown data are still scarce. The present study investigated the impact of COVID-19 rela...
Covid-19 lockdowns have improved the ambient air quality across the world via reduced air pollutant levels. This article aims to investigate the effect of the partial lockdown on the main ambient air pollutants and their elemental concentrations bound to PM2.5 in Hanoi. In addition to the PM...
Evidence on the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown remains at an early stage. There is limited research about the impact of hard lockdown restrictions on families, specifically how these restrictions impact on women and children’s experiences of domestic violence, including intimate partner violence ...
- Confirmed COVID-19 cases exceed 8,000 on first day of UK lockdown - G20 virtual summit on COVID-19 to be held on March 26 BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- The world is now in a battle against COVID-19, a disease caused by a previously unknown coronavirus that has spread to over...
This study aimed to identify changes in fruit and vegetable consumption habits during the COVID-19 pandemic in the urban area of Quito, Ecuador, using a survey that was conducted during the country’s lockdown period. There was a particular focus on changes in consumption according to household...
The 2019 pandemic of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) has posed a substantial threat to public health and major global economic losses. The Northern Emirates of the United Arab Emirates (NEUAE) had imposed intense preventive lockdown measures. On the first of Ap...
This paper aims to study the impact of the lockdown imposed by the CoViD-19 pandemic on air quality in MeCiMi. Firstly, a reference period (CTRL) meteorologically comparable with PL and TL was identified analysing the data of 22 meteorological control units. Then, in order to determine the...