2.1. COVID-19 lockdown in India First lockdown: The Government of India ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days on the 24th of March 2020, restricting the movement of the entire population of India as a preventive measure to check the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. By the end of ...
Based on the rapid spread of the CoViD-2019, a lockdown was declared in the whole Northern Italy by the Government. The application of increasingly rigorous containment measures allowed to reduce the impact of the CoViD-2019 pandemic on the Italian National Health System but at the same time...
Aims: To assess the psychological impact of COVID-19 lockdown among healthy individuals in India. Method: A self-assessed cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted between 1st April and 14th April 2020. Centre for Epidemiological Study for Depression questio...
Covid-19 lockdowns have improved the ambient air quality across the world via reduced air pollutant levels. This article aims to investigate the effect of the partial lockdown on the main ambient air pollutants and their elemental concentrations bound to PM2.5 in Hanoi. In addition to the PM...
Assessing the impact of lockdowns on COVID-19 incidence may provide important lessons for management of pandemic in resource-limited settings. We examined growth of incident confirmed COVID-19 patients before, during and after lockdowns during the first
Scientists have been arguing about a curious topic recently: Did temperatures on the moon dip due to the world's Covid-19 lockdown? Last year, a pair of researchers claimed that the shockwaves of the shutdown could be felt as far as the moon, causing a slight dip in lunar surfac...
However, tackling this in its entirety demands a greater understanding of the true impact of Covid-19 for those living with pre-existing mental disorders. We therefore aimed to investigate the impact of the 1st global lockdown on adults with a recent history of MDD, through the following ...
ArticleCovid-19 and ships’ crews Article -Covid-19 Club cover – some basics Article by Jeff Cox “Law under Lockdown” looking at how the English legal and arbitration system is adapting to lockdown. Article by club correspondents MC Law Services “Virtual Court Proceedings in Bangladesh” ...
19 in Delhi itself. In Phase 1 and II lock-down, all commercial activities were not allowed all over the country, including Delhi. But in Phase-III of lock-down, Public transport was remained shut, private vehicles were allowed to some extent. India has declared Phase IV of lock-down ...
Stringent lockdown measures implemented in Italy to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 are generating unprecedented economic impacts. However, the environmental consequences associated with the temporary shutdown and recovery of industrial and commercial activities are still not fully understood. Using the we...