4、病毒颗粒组装和释放Packaging and Virion release,结构病毒蛋白+病毒基因组正向单链 RNA+脂质包膜在胞质中胞质中组装形成子代病毒颗粒,通过胞吐形式运送出宿主体外。 四. 免疫反应 Immune response:(在毛细血管中) 1、先天免疫层面 innate immune response 初始感染期间I型干扰素(IFN)反应延迟或抑制。 病毒复制触发超...
A small study from the U.S. National Institutes of Health says the immune response caused by COVID-19 infection may damage the brain's blood vessels. The reaction could lead to neurological problems known as long CO...
11.Boechat,J.L.; Chora,I.; Morais,A.; Delgado,L.The immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 immunopathology—Current perspectives.Pulmonology 2021,27,423-437. 12.Eedara,B.B.; Alabsi,W.; Encinas-Basurto,D.; Polt,R.; Ledfor...
为了最大限度地发挥疫苗接种的效益,Emerging Microbes & Infections发表的最新研究Heterologous prime-boost: breaking the protective immune response bottleneck of COVID-19 vaccine candidates(异源初免-加强免疫: 打破COVID-19候选疫苗的保护性免疫反应瓶颈) 探索了采用异源的主要增强策略的效用,在小鼠模型中对中国正在...
2020年6月8日,《自然—医学》杂志在线发表了美国斯坦福大学医学院Catherine A. Blish和Angela J. Rogers研究团队的论文“A single-cell atlas of the peripheral immune response to severe COVID-19”。该研究展示了重症新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者外周免疫反应的单细胞图谱,提示了与疾病严重程度相关的免疫...
COVID-19's impact on the brain: Immune response may cause damage A small cadaver study found that immune response to COVID-19 infection may lead to damage to blood vessels in the brain. LuisPortugal/Getty Images Previous research links COVID-19 infection to brain issues, such as “brain ...
新冠病毒病(COVID-19)肺部后遗症治疗研究进展 温州市中心医院重症医学科尤荣开(译) 新冠病毒病(COVID-19)后综合症或长期COVID-19被定义为在确认感染SARS-CoV-2后症状持续存在,SARS-CoV-2是导致冠状病毒病的病原体。本文回顾已报告的COVID-19感染的长期后遗症,以及治疗措施。最近的研究表明,严重COVID-19可发...
Luciani表示,COVID-19产生的数据已经和在过去十年中对其它病毒研究(如HIV)的数据一样多。科学是非常令人兴奋的,但同时也充满挑战。 原文检索: COVID-19: Unravelling the host immune response. (2020) Nature research custom media. 郭庭玥/编译
Dysregulation of immune response in patients with coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China. Clin Infect Dis. 2020; 71: 762-768 2.Lescure F-X Bouadma L Nguyen D et al. Clinical and virological data of the first cases of COVID-19 in Europe: a case series. Lancet Infect Dis. ...
总之,这项研究全面记录了描绘严重COVID-19外周免疫应答的单细胞图谱的具体方法,考虑到免疫失调的机制,研究结果可能有助于为新的治疗策略提供信息。 原文检索:A single-cell atlas of the peripheral immune response to severe COVID-19 (生物通:伍松)