I would really appreciate it if you could tell me if they have a slightly different meaning.Likewise, please tell if two sentences that I translated differently actually have the same meaning.Big thank you in advance - I understand this is quite a lengthy post!
I would be very grateful if you could help. AI_monga 2024年6月18日 こんにちは!日本語の敬語を学ぶための参考になる本やサイトをいくつか紹介しますね。 1. 『新装版 やさしい日本語の敬語』(著者:小田島雄志):この本は、初心者向けに敬語の基本から応用まで丁寧に解説しています。例文や練...
@Jake-KimI was meant to write "자료를 저장한 곳을 못 찾아서..." but I made another typo. Would that be correct?Yes
1 means “If I had gone to Sapporo, I could have had soup curry.” As you wrote, 食べられた expresses possibility. 食べれた in 2 is thought to be a wrong wording for 食べられた, though it is used by a lot of people.3 may mean “If I had gone to Sapporo, I would have...
To "be able to" do something means that you're allowed to do it or that you can do it.So in "others should not be able to stop them" it means that "others should not be allowed to stop them"Does that make sense? :)@