What is 〜のかというと? Could you break it down for me please? Bunza 5月6日 日语 どこに向かっているのかと言えば、or 私が向かっている場所を言えば (If I tell you where I'm heading for) Highly-rated answerer [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 ...
No. に(は) is used when you say "There is/are ~ in (place)". For example, にほんにはさくらのきがたくさんあります。(In Japan, there are many cherry trees.) In your sentence, は is just a topic marker. "As for this hotel, you can see the ocean from every room." ...
@iamaimoThank you :)The AI also suggested that it’s actually the best go-to option since it’s the most polite form.So in a very formal setting (for example speaking to my boss or university president), would どいたしまして be the best option?@...
Thank you, q_q i really struggle with particles. shinbrain 2022年1月17日 日语 First of all, there is a typo in question 1. 芸年⇒去年? There are 3 answers that are incorrect. The correct answers are 5-1:が, 5-2:は, and 6-1:が. ...
そんなことはどうでもいい sounds very harsh. Because of that, you would not use the phrase unless you are talking to your own child (or you are super upset with the person).どうでもいい , on the others hand, is more commonly used. You use this phrase when you are not interested ...
I would be grateful if you could also tell me possible English names. AI_monga 2024年4月22日 私の感性で言うと、"Kohei Tada"という名前の音の響きはとても柔らかくて優しい印象を受けます。"Kohei"は日本語の名前で、"Tada"は短くて力強い音がありますが、両方を組み合わせるとバランス...
@Ayato_5 谢谢你的回答。わかりやすく教えてくださり、ありがとうございます。@