a large or complete collection of writings: the entire corpus of Old English poetry. the body of a person or animal, especially when dead. Anatomy.a body, mass, or part having a special character or function. Linguistics.a body of utterances, as words or sentences, assumed to be representa...
The York–Toronto–Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (YCOE) is a 1.5 million-word syntactically annotated corpus of Old English prose texts. It was produced at the University of York, UK, between 2000 and 2003, by Ann Taylor, Anthony Warner, Susan Pintzuk and Frank Beths, with...
1. a large or complete collection of writings: the entire corpus of Old English poetry. 2. the body of a person or animal, esp. when dead. 3. a. a mass of body tissue that has a specialized function. b. the main part of a bodily organ. 4. a collection of utterances, as...
Dictionary of Old English Corpus; original release (1981) compiled by Angus Cameron, Ashley Crandell Amos, Sharon Butler, and Antonette diPaolo Healey (Toronto: DOE Project 1981); 2009 release compiled by Antonette diPaolo Healey, Joan Holland, Ian McDougall, and David McDougall, with TEI-P5...
The aim of this article is to discuss the lemmatisation process of Old English adverbs inflected for the superlative from a corpus-based perspective. This study has been conducted on the basis of a semi-automatic methodology through which the inflectional forms have been automatically ...
In our case, the source of evidence has been extracted from a selection of The Toronto Complete Corpus of Old English. Accordingly, complete pieces have been investigated to conclude whether the use of V1 is consistent in Old English prose or, on the contrary, it is a matter of the ...
of Old English. The preferred corpora are the Dictionary of Old English Corpus and the York corpora of Old English (prose and poetry), or subsets of these. Diachronic analysis involving Old English should preferably be based on the Helsinki Corpus or the Penn Corpus of Historical English. ...
This short paper introduces the HeliPaD, a new parsed corpus of Old Saxon (Old Low German). It is annotated according to the standards of the Penn Corpora of Historical English, enriched with lemmatization and additional morphological attributes as well as textual and metrical annotation. This ...
A qualitative and quantitative approach was used in this stu dy o examine the distribution of pronouns in three language s, English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese based on the parallel NTU Mult ilingual Corpus (NTU-MC). The pronouns are annotated with a componential analysis that allows them to...
corpuscontemporaryenglishamericancorporamonitor TheCorpusofContemporaryAmericanEnglishasthefirstreliablemonitorcorpusofEnglish...MarkDaviesBrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,UT,USA...