Apologies in the History of English: Evidence from the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA) This paper explores two different methods of tracing a specific speech act in a historical corpus. As an example, the development of apologies is investiga......
The creation of internet-based mega-corpora such as the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), the Corpus ofHistorical American English (COHA) (Davies, 2011a) and the Google Ngram Viewer (Cohen, 2010) signals a new phase incorpus-based research that provides both novice and expert ...
The 400 million word Corpus of Historical American English (1810–2009) provides researchers with an extremely robust set of data for Late Modern English. The corpus is composed of fiction, magazines, newspapers, and nonfiction books, and its genre balance stays roughly the same from decade...
The 400 million word Corpus of Historical American English (1810–2009) provides researchers with an extremely robust set of data for Late Modern English. The corpus is composed of fiction, magazines, newspapers, and nonfiction books, and its genre balance stays roughly the same from decade to ...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English COHA Corpus of Historical American English COLSEC College Learners Spoken English Corpus COLT BergenCorpus ofLondonTeenage Language Crown 2009 Brown family corpus of American English FLOB Freiburg-LOB Corpus of British English FROWN Freiburg-Brown Corpus of Americ...
and other researchers). COCA is also related to other large corpora that we have created or modified, including the British National Corpus (our architecture and interface), the 100 million word TIME Corpus (1920s-2000s), and the new 400 million word Corpus of Historical American English (COH...
The British National Corpus (BNC)-based genre distribution research shows that absolute clauses are not frequently used in both the informal spoken texts and the formal academic texts; rather they are mostly used in the narrative texts of fiction. The Corpus of Historical American English (COHA)...
TYPESOFCORPORA Generalcorpora:CorpusofContemporaryAm.EnglishSpokencorpora:BritishNationalCorpus(Spoken)Writtencorpora:BritishNationalCorpus(Written)Multi-modalcorpora:NottinghamMultimodalCorpusSpecialisedcorpora:MichiganCorpusofSpokenAcad.E.Historicalcorpora:CorpusofHistoricalAmericanEnglis...
(such as changes in meaning with web, green, or gay), and lexis––including word and phrase frequency by year, and using the corpus architectureto produce lists of all words that have had large shifts in frequency betweenspecific historical periods......