高级搜索还能满足使用者的多种需求,比如,我们在搜索界面的Word(s)栏输入teach,在COLLOCATES栏输入class,就可以看到满足组合单词的例句。 Corpus of ContemporaryAmerican English(COCA)是当今世界上最大的英语平衡语料库,涵盖了美国spoken、fiction、...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the largest freely-available corpus of English, and the only large and balanced corpus of American English. It was created by Mark Davies of Brigham Young University in 2008, and it is now used by tens of thousands of users every month ...
The Corpus of ContemporaryAmerican English as the firstreliable monitor corpus of English...Mark DaviesBrigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA...
The balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese (BCCWJ) is Japan’s first 100 million words balanced corpus. It consists of three subcorpora (publication subcorpus, library subcorpus, and special-purpose subcorpus) and covers a wide range of text registers including books in general, magazines...
We report in this paper a corpus-based survey of the borrowed words from Latin, Greek and French and their use in contemporary English. The objective is to chart their occurrence and distribution across a set of different text categories and subject domains on the basis of the British National...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English is the first large, genre-balanced corpus of any language, which has been designed and constructed from the ground up as a ‘monitor corpus’, and which can be used to accurately track and study recent changes in the language. The 400 million words...
There are country-specific versions, for example, ICE-GB is the British component of ICE. Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) COCA is the largest and freely available corpus of American English. It contains more than 560 million words of text representing spoken, fiction, popular ...
from the corpus on changes in contemporary American English, including changes in morph- ology, syntax, lexis, and semantics. 2 Previous Corpora As was mentioned in the introduction, many of the well-known corpora of English are static.
1. The article is an introduction to the Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA) that is created by Prof. 本文系统介绍美国杨伯翰大学Mark Davies教授开发的COCA美国当代英语语料库。2) Present Day American English Dialogues 当代美国英语会话...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English COHA Corpus of Historical American English COLSEC College Learners Spoken English Corpus COLT BergenCorpus ofLondonTeenage Language Crown 2009 Brown family corpus of American English FLOB Freiburg-LOB Corpus of British English FROWN Freiburg-Brown Corpus of Americ...