What is the corpus callosum and what is its normal function? The corpus callosum is a c-shaped structure in the middle of the brain, composed of white matter, that is responsible for relaying messages from one side of the brain to the other. What is the primary function of the corpus ca...
This field pushes to boost the function of the Corpus Callosum to generate brain boosting effects in intelligence, overall function, sensory inputs while enabling powerful communication between the left and right hemispheres, boost of cognitive tasks such as language and emotional processing. Boosting ...
Tom nodded and said, "Exactly. Just take the corpus callosum for example. It's like a bridge that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. Without it, our body wouldn't be able to function properly." We both marvelled at the wonder of the human body, which is so much more than ...
The meaning of CORPUS ALLATUM is one of a pair of separate or fused bodies in many insects that are sometimes closely associated with the corpora cardiaca and that secrete hormones (such as juvenile hormone).
The corpus callosum is the largest white matter structure in the human brain, connecting cortical regions of both hemispheres. Complete and partial callosotomies or callosal lesion studies have granted more insight into the function of the corpus callosum, namely the facilitation of communication betwe...
Corpus callosum function in schizophrenia: a neuropsychological assessment of inter- hemispheric information processing. Neuropsychologia 25, 185-193.Merriam AE, Gardner EB (1987): Corpus callosum function in schizophrenia: a neuropsychological assessment of interhemispheric information processing. Neuropsychologia...
Interhemispheric correlation between homotopic areas is a major hallmark of cortical physiology and is believed to emerge through the corpus callosum. However, how interhemispheric correlations and corpus callosum activity are affected by behavioral stat
Here, we investigated the differences in the morphometry of the human corpus callosum (CC) between sex-matched controls 46,XY (N =99), 46,XX (N =93), and six unique sSCA karyotypes: 47,XYY (N =29), 47,XXY (N =58), 48,XXYY (N =20), 47,XXX (N =30), 48,XXXY (N =5)...
(Müller-Oehring et al., 2010) have suggested disruption of the normal global–local precedence/interference effects and related this to compromised structure/function of the corpus callosum. In healthy adults, too, MRI measurements of the corpus callosum have shown significant relationships (in...
The corpus callosum (CC) is the largest fiber tract in the brain, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres, and thereby facilitating the integration of motor and sensory information from the two sides of the body as well as influencing higher cognition associated with executive function, social inter...