Recent studies on the anatomy and development of the corpus callosum (CC) are reviewed, and discussed in relation to present theories of the function of the CC. The contributions of various pathological conditions of the CC, as well as that of the split-brain studies, to the understanding of...
Agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC), a failure to develop the large bundle of fibres that connect the cerebral hemispheres, occurs in 1:4000 individuals. Genetics, animal models and detailed structural neuroimaging are now providing insights into the developmental and molecular bases of AgCC. Stu...
Explaining function with anatomy: language lateralization and corpus callosum size. The anatomy of the corpus callosum (CC) has been advocated as a potential marker for functional lateralization because its size is supposedly proportional ... G Josse,ML Seghier,F Kherif,... - 《Journal of Neuros...
The commissural fibers, such as the corpus callosum, connect the two hemispheres across the median plane. ▼首先来看联络纤维,其分为短联络纤维和长联络纤维。 短纤维又称为U状纤维,位于浅部,恰位于皮层灰质的深面。长纤维位于较深处。 弓状束(下图)为额顶颞长联络纤维。
The splenium of the corpus callosum is the most posterior part of the corpus callosum. Its embryological development, anatomy, vascularization, function, imaging of pathology, possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which pathology may develop and the clinical consequences are discussed. ...
胼胝体发育不良(dysgenesis of the corpus callosum,DCC),是胚胎期背部中线结构发育不良的一种形式。胼胝体作为一大块有髓神经纤维的集合体,连接着两侧的大脑半球,是从原始终板发生的前脑联合之一。胼胝体的畸形可表现为部分胼胝体缺如或者全部胼胝体和周围结构的缺如...
Studies of corpus callosum development in cat revealed that the callosum must be intact during postnatal month 1 if normal visual development is to occur [11-20,25]. The use of DiI, a lipophilic carbocyanine dye that is an in vitro membrane tracer, permits a detailed search for morphological...
The corpus callosum, a unique white-matter tract: anatomic features that may explain sparing in Binswanger disease and resistance to flow of fluid masses. (1988) The corpus callosum, a unique white matter tract: anatomic features that may explain sparing in Binswanger disease and resistance to ...
B. (1987). Corpus callosum function in schizophrenia: A neuropsychological assessment of interhemispheric information processing. Neuropsychologia, 25, 185–193. Google Scholar Meyer, J. S., Ishikawa, Y., Hata, T., abd Karacan, I. (1987). Cerebral blood flow in normal and abnormal sleep ...