Going far beyond previous empirical work, John Kotter and James Heskett provide the first comprehensive critical analysis of how the "culture" of a corporation powerfully influences its economic performance, for better or for worse. Through painstaking research at such firms as Hewlett-Packard, Xerox...
In recent years, interest in corporate purpose has gained momentum among both practitioners and academic researchers. Despite this, the construct of corpor
As the main purpose of this study is to take stock and organize the body of knowledge concerning CE in the digital age, we conducted a literature review based on a systematic search as the first attempt to focus on research at the intersection of CE and digital technologies in incumbent orga...
P. Kotter and J.L. HeskettCorporate Culture and Performance, New York (Free Prot) 1992; P. Blyton and P. Turnbull (Eds.). Reassessing Human Resource Management, London (Sage) 1992, H. Drummond and E.Chell. “Should Organizations Pay for Quality?”, Personnel Review, 1, No.4 (1992),...