The article presents the COPE ethical guidelines on the principles and standards for peer reviewers in a peer review process. It lists the basic principles for compliance of peer reviewers, the expectations in the review process, and requirements during the review process. It also includes the ... resource-library/editorial-policies/sample-correspondence- for-an-editorial-office/ [43] COPE. Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers (English). [2020-09-15]. guidelines-new/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers [44] ...
Use the ethical audit tool to see how well their journal matches COPE's guidelines. Use the COPE logo on their journal. Use sample letters to help draft their own when there is potential misconduct. Stand for election to COPE Council. ...
(for example, reviewers or editors) may have to be excluded from decisions on publication. 5 Peer review Definition Peer reviewers are external experts chosen by editors to provide written opinions, with the aim of improv- ing the study. Working methods vary from journal to journal, but som...
Peer reviewers are external experts chosen by editors to provide written opinions,with the aim of improving the study. Working methods vary from journal to journal, but some use open procedures in which the name of the reviewer is disclosed, together with the full or `edited'report. ...
Conflicts of interest are not confined to the authors of papers, and editors and reviewers must ensure that any relevant conflict of interest is disclosed; again sound guidance is given in the report. Guidelines are also available on peer review and greater transparency by journals of their ...
e.g. "peer reviewers should only agree to review a manuscript if they are fairly confident they can return a review within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame, informing the journal promptly if they require an extension." Another issue was the suggestion that all reviewers should be req...
COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers. Committee on Publication Ethics, 1. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from linesHames, I. (2013). COPE ethical guidelines for peer reviewers. Retrieved from http://publicatio
CO M M ITTE E ON P U B LICATI ON ETH ICS COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer ReviewersOn, LicatiIcs, E T H
Conflicts of interest are not confined to the authors of papers, and editors and reviewers must ensure that any relevant conflict of interest is disclosed; again sound guidance is given in the report. Guidelines are also available on peer review and greater transparency by journals of their ...