Convert YCbCr coordinates to RGBYPbPrmatrix
RGB = imread('board.tif');% read image % converting RGB image to YCbCr color space ycbcr = rgb2ycbcr(RGB); % duplicate the YCC image % i'm assuming this is a placeholder for some other calculations test_ycbcr = ycbcr; % convert it to RGB color...
I think there is a bug in IPP function "ippiYCbCr411ToBGR_8u_P3C4R" when it converts saturated YCbCr 411 values to RGB values. When an image is saturated, its YCbCr values are Y=235, Cb=128, and Cr=128. In this case, after conversionis done, the RGB ...
This example shows how to convert a pixel stream from R'G'B' color space to Y'CbCr 4:2:2 color space.The model imports a 480p RGB image, then the Frame to Pixels block converts it to a pixel stream. Inside the HDL Algorithm subsystem, the Color Space Converter and Chroma Resampler...
Convert RGB coordinates to YCbCrRGBmatrix