How to convert from fastq to fasta ?You can also convert between these formats by using command line tools. On Windows install WSL, on Mac or Linux start terminal Install BioPython Run following script: from Bio import SeqIO records = SeqIO.parse("THIS_IS_YOUR_INPUT_FILE.fastq", "...
# 需要导入模块: from Bio import SeqIO [as 别名]# 或者: from Bio.SeqIO importconvert[as 别名]defconvertQ2A( qd, qname):qpath = qd +"/"+ qname +".fastq"cpath = qd +"/"+ qname +".fasta"SeqIO.convert(qpath,"fastq", cpath,"fasta")print"converted file to fasta"returncpath ...
先使用cd命令进入软件的可执行文件的目录 接下来是export PATH=PWD:PATH 计算覆盖度 首选是参考基因组构建索引 代码语言:javascript 复制 bwa index Staphylococcus_aureus.fasta 比对 代码语言:javascript 复制 bwa mem-M-t16Staphylococcus_aureus.fastaERR043371_1.fastqERR043371_2.fastq>output.sam sam文件转换为ba...