void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg) {ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());} When messages are automatically generated into C++ code, there are several typedefs defined. One of them is ::Ptr, which is typedef-ed to be a boost::shared_ptr<MSG>...
, cloud_msg->width * cloud_msg->height); // 可以在这里添加对点云数据的进一步处理 } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "point_cloud_subscriber"); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("point_cloud_topic", 10, pointCloudCallback); ...
GetProtoMsg CopyValueFrom MoveValueFrom Tensor类 GetTensorDesc MutableTensorDesc SetTensorDesc GetData MutableData SetData operator= TensorDesc类 GetName SetName GetShape MutableShape SetShape GetFormat SetFormat GetDataType SetDataType operator= Shape类 GetDimNum ...
GetProtoMsg CopyValueFrom MoveValueFrom Tensor类 GetTensorDesc MutableTensorDesc SetTensorDesc GetData MutableData SetData operator= TensorDesc类 GetName SetName GetShape MutableShape SetShape GetFormat SetFormat GetDataType SetDataType operator= Shape类 GetDimNum Ge...
planning_models::robotStateMsgToRobotState(*planning_scene->getTransforms(), req.motion_plan_request.start_state, start_state); ros::WallTime create_time = ros::WallTime::now();ChompOptimizeroptimizer(&trajectory, planning_scene, req.motion_plan_request.group_name, ...
widthData = runTimeCast<constFloatData >( it->second.data ); }if( widthData ) { width = widthData->readable(); }else{ msg( Msg::Warning,"CurveExtrudeOp","Ignoring malformed primvar 'constantwidth'"); } }ConstFloatVectorDataPtrvaryingWidthData =...
at(i) >= msg->range_max-0.001){ m_p_laser_scan->ranges.at(i) = 32; } else { Example 3Source File: wpb_home_lidar_behavior.cpp From wpb_home with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes void lidarCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& scan) { int nNum = scan->...
n->cast.convconst = ( symbCheckConstAssign( to_dtype, ldtype, to_subtype, l->subtype, , , wrnmsg ) = FALSE ) '' error message takes priority over warning messages if( (options and AST_CONVOPT_DONTCHKPTR) = 0 ) then if( errmsg <> FB_ERRMSG_OK ) then if( perrmsg ) then *p...
robot_state::robotStateMsgToRobotState(planning_scene->getTransforms(), req.start_state, start_state); collision_detection::CollisionRequest creq; creq.group_name = req.group_name; collision_detection::CollisionResult cres; planning_scene->checkCollision(creq, cres, start_state);if(cres.colli...
msg += OCIO_NAMESPACE::ROLE_TEXTURE_PAINT; first =false; ++roles; }if(i == mattepaintcs) { msg += first ?" (":", "; msg += OCIO_NAMESPACE::ROLE_MATTE_PAINT; first =false; ++roles; }//...这里部分代码省略... 开发者ID:theomission...