Anaconda可以实现Python虚拟环境管理,还有另一种方法实现Python虚拟环境管理,可参考:virtualenv、virtualenvwrapper实现Python虚拟环境管理 Anaconda 概述 Anaconda是一个流行的开源Python发行版,主要用于数据科学、机器学习和科学计算。它包含了一系列常用的Python软件包、工具和库,以及一个强大的环境管理系统(conda)。 Anaconda...
上面代码地址: 关键字global,可以在函数内引用全局变量。 实际上局部找不到变量也会到全局去找。上面代码地址: 使用命令del“va...
When python appears to the right, that indicates that the thing on the left is somehow not available for the python version you are constrained to. Note that conda will not change your python version to a different minor version unless you explicitly specify ...
change your python version to a different minor version unless you explicitly specify that. 我这样因为要运行YOLO V3,但是人家推荐的版本是: 我上网查了下,如果安装torch1.2的版本,对应关系是: 我的python的版本应该是3.7,所以我重建了新的conda的环境,然后安装3.7; 离线安装:命令:conda install E:\下载\pyto...
When python appears to the right, that indicates that the thing on the left is somehow not available for the python version you are constrained to. Note that conda will not change your python version to a different minor version unless you explicitly specify that....
conda update python pip使用 # pip安装包 $ pip install SomePackage [...] Successfully installed SomePackage # pip查看已安装的包 $ pip show --files SomePackage Name: SomePackage Version: 1.0 Location: /my/env/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages ...
or .condarc channels. Requires --channel.--repodata-fn REPODATA_FNSSpecify file nameofrepodataonthe remote serverwhereyour channelsareconfiguredorwithinlocalbackups. Conda will try whatever you specify, but will ultimately fall backtorepodata.json if your specsarenotsatisfiablewithwhat you specify ...
N.b. In some cases I had to specify-c defaultsor-c conda-forgeto get a reasonable error. Can't remember which at which commands, apologies for anyone in my boat. Final update: Examining conflicts going from py 3.8 to 3.9 took 4 hours and 20 minutes and 32 seconds (no, I'm not ...
to be incompatiblewiththe existing python installationinyour environment:Specifications:-deeptools=3.5.0->python[version='>=3']Your python:python=2If pythonison the left-most side of the chain,that's the version you've askedfor.When python appears to the right,that indicates that the thing on...
not availableforthe python version you are constrained to.Note that conda will not change your python version to a different minor version unless you explicitly specify that. 看上去像是要更新python 目前这个环境里是python2.7 要求python3 我先看看conda要不要更新 ...