@Shawnmhy, Thanks for filing this issue. I noticed you are using a really old version of version of conda. I would suggest that you first update that (conda update conda). If your version is too old for an auto-update, you might just have to re-install the either Anaconda Distribution...
I found a strange workaround, that seems to work on two separate Windows 10 machines. If I open theenvironment.ymlfile in VS Code, change the character encoding to UTF-8 and "reopen with encoding", hitctrl+zto undo the change, then save the file, the install works as expected. The de...
我之前尝试下载文件,离线用conda install --use-local xxx.tar.bz2命令安装,再安装environment.yml中其他包后,提示无法识别包的来源(unknown) 环境:win11家庭版;anaconda虚拟环境中安装包时,显示标题的报错信息 2024-04-15· 安徽 回复喜欢 一叶扁舟 作者 我看了下我现在使用的电脑,我也没有C:\Users\XX...
conda install numpy=1.7.2 -y # 安装特定版本的软件包conda remove<package name> # 移除软件包 安装R # 具体见下面 # 安装R,及80多个常用的数据分析包, 包括idplyr, shiny,ggplot2, tidyr, caret 和 nnet conda install -c r r-base=4.0.2 r-essentials # 安装单个包 # conda install -c https:/...
create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages. help Displays a list of available conda commands and their help strings. info Display information about current conda install. init Initialize conda for shell interaction.[Experimental] ...
pip install -r requirements.txt Yml文件是对requirements.txt文件的扩展,Conda使用YAML(YML)来编写环境文件。YAML是一种人类可读的数据序列化语言,通常用于配置文件,并使用python风格的缩进表示嵌套。 为了确保自己的环境是真正可共享的,需要确保以一种通用的方式描述环境内容,即可以使用生成的环境文件在Linux、Mac OS...
conda env export --from-history > environment.yml 1. 添加--from-history标志将只安装您使用conda要求安装的包。它将不包括依赖包或使用任何其他方法安装的包。 传入environment.yml文件,别人就可以重新创建你的环境。 conda env create -f environment.yml ...
We will install version 0.35 ofrasteriofrom conda-forge intotest_envin this example. $ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda install -c conda-forge rasterio=0.35 1. 2. 删除软件包: $ conda remove -n test_env rasterio Using Anaconda Cloud api site https://api.anaconda.org ...
环境迁移,这里我只介绍conda-pack和yml文件两种方法,其它方法我没用过,看上去有些麻烦,请自行查阅资料学习。 conda-pack完成环境迁移 这个方法我之前的“小白踩坑日记”记录过。 $ conda activate your_env_name #进入环境 $ conda install conda-pack -y #安装打包环境用的软件 ...
I know conda install flask, then how to install pacakge with environment.yml file ? I don't find usage in conda document.