Thanks for filing this issue. I noticed you are using a really old version of version of conda. I would suggest that you first update that (conda update conda). If your version is too old for an auto-update, you might just have to re-install the either Anaconda Distribution or Miniconda...
pip install -r requirements.txt 后续只需等待即可。 conda 首先,创建一个YAML文件,列出python依赖项。 channels: - defaults dependencies: - python=3.8 - numpy - pandas - matplotlib 然后,打开终端,运行conda指令(假设文件名为requirements,实际应用时下列指令应该根据文件名进行修改)。 对于yml: conda env crea...
创建.env文件:conda env export > environment.yml 重现环境:conda env create -f environment.yml 实例: #创建”example“环境,添加新的源,安装numpy,最后输出`.yml`文件conda env create example conda info-e conda activate example conda config--addchannels bioconda conda install numpy##查看信息conda config...
Are you able to install and use DeepLabCut if you remove - nb_conda from the yaml file? Thanks! Installation process went smoothly without encountering any error messages, but when using DeepLabCut, the following error occurred: --- (DEEPLABCUT) C:\Users\Fusenheizi\Downloads>python -m ...
conda env export --file ehbio_env.yml --name ehbio # 然后换一台电脑,就可以完全重现这个环境了 # 这么做的另一个优势是yml中明确列出了软件的版本, # 使用 conda solving environment时速度会快很多 conda env create -f ehbio_env.yml Conda软件安装 core dump error/Segment fault/段错误 怎么办 ...
conda env create -f environment.yml Creating an environment from an requirements.txt file conda install --file requirements.txt 删除环境 conda remove -n python39 --all 克隆一个环境 # clone_env 代指克隆得到的新环境的名称 # envname 代指被克隆的环境的名称 conda create --name clone_env --clo...
Required. Specify theAnaconda or Minicondascript installation file. If the script does not exist locally, it is downloaded. -d Required. Specify the directory to installAnaconda or Miniconda. -c Optional. Specify the name of channels used when creating the environment. If multiple channel...
下面是一个环境文件(environment.yml)的例子: 在conda中可以用pip的方法安装软件: name: playenv channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python=3.6 - pip - pip: - pyjokes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 用下面的指令生成环境: conda env create --file environment.yml ...
conda list --explicit > spec-file.txt 1. 步骤二: conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt 1. 你可以在同一台机器或者不同的机器上,做此操作。 如果你想在某环境中安装spec file文件指定的包,运行以下命令。 conda install --name env_name --file spec-file.txt ...
pip install -r "C:\Users\Hao\Applio\requirements.txt" 也可以直接根据yml文件无脑配置环境: conda env create -f /path/to/environment.yml conda env create -f /path/to/requirements.txt -n envname conda env create -f /path/to/requirements.txt -p /home/user/envname ...