Thanks for filing this issue. I noticed you are using a really old version of version of conda. I would suggest that you first update that (conda update conda). If your version is too old for an auto-update, you might just have to re-install the either Anaconda Distribution or Miniconda...
立即体验 在使用conda环境安装包时,可能会遇到“The following packages are not available from current channels”的错误。这可能是由于包管理器没有从正确的源中获取所需的软件包,或者指定的软件包版本不存在。以下是几种可能的解决方案: 检查依赖项名称或版本号请检查您的environment.yml文件中指定的依赖项名称和版...
conda env update --file environment.yml Or update a specific environment without activating it: conda env update --name envname--file environment.yml 👍29🎉5 ️6 mattip commentedon Jul 4, 2021 mattip github-actions added locked[bot] locked due to inactivity ...
yml 这安装了一堆我不想要的垃圾。但是我可以运行这个命令来创建一个最小的conda环境:conda create --name test-layers python --no-default-packages 好了,现在我想使用我的ymlcreate -f envi 浏览11提问于2020-04-30得票数 1 3回答 用于Conda安装requirements.txt和PIP后续的Bash脚本 、、、 在linux服...
conda install <package name> # 安装软件包 # -y是同意安装,不写的话会弹出提示,需要再次确认 conda install numpy=1.7.2 -y # 安装特定版本的软件包conda remove<package name> # 移除软件包 安装R # 具体见下面 # 安装R,及80多个常用的数据分析包, 包括idplyr, shiny,ggplot2, tidyr, caret 和 nnet...
安装包packages 一旦激活了环境,你就可以使用conda和pip在当前环境下安装你所需要的包。在conda环境中,不建议使用pip。 使用conda conda install pkg_name1=x.x.x pkg_name2=x.x.x 1. 使用pip pip install pkg_name1==x.x.x pkg_name2==x.x.x ...
The following packages will be UPDATED: conda: 4.0.7-py27_0 --> 4.2.12-py27_0 conda-env: 2.4.5-py27_0 --> 2.6.0-0 python: 2.7.11-0 --> 2.7.12-1 sqlite: 3.9.2-0 --> 3.13.0-0 Proceed ([y]/n)? y Fetching packages ... ...
If the directory with your source files contains anenvironment.ymlfile, PyCharm can create a conda environment based on it. Create a conda environment based on environment.yml Do one of the following: Go toFile | Open. On theWelcome Screen, clickOpen. ...
create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages. help Displays a list of available conda commands and their help strings. info Display information about current conda install. init Initialize conda for shell interaction.[Experimental] ...
I am currently working with GeoPython - Auto GIS. After research on thework flow with conda+python, I have found out how to create and specify the packages in an environment.yml file. But I found no way to specify an optional arguement. An example is as follows, ...