处理CMIP6数据由于数据量太大,使用CDO经常出错,google之后发现是CDO本身问题遂转投NCO怀抱。 由于NCO在Ubuntu上直接用apt-get install 总是提示找不到安装包,所以改用conda环境来配置。话说最近conda在气象界里越来越火了,python现在和conda搭配起来也很好用。 首先安装miniconda 这里不赘述了,直接 bash Miniconda3-lat...
最近,想要利用Linux 安装一下cdo软件,处理一写nc数据。然鹅,在condainstall cdo 命令无果后,果断上https://anaconda.org/上查找一下: 这不就来了嘛,一段命令劈里啪啦。 conda install -c conda-forge cdo 一顿操作猛如虎,再看结果二百五。。。 报错了: 真是尴尬,而且更让我感到离谱的是,conda install xxx...
作为一个气象er,在本科时期一直使用Fortran处理数据配合GrADs绘制图像,研究生期间改为MATLAB处理数据配合NCL绘制空间场+Origin绘制时间场。由于NCL已停止了更新,Python在机器学习和AI的背景下特别火,其能调用MATLAB、CDO、NCO等软件进行混合编程的能力打动了我。于是,我决定背向NCL,面向Python。 一、文章概览: 1、安装WS...
Current conda install: platform : osx-64 conda version : 4.2.12 conda is private : False conda-env version : 4.2.12 conda-build version : 2.0.10 python version : 2.7.12.final.0 requests version : 2.11.1 root environment : /Users/cdoig/anaconda (writable) default environment : /Users/...
$_CONDA_EXE $argv[1-] but that causes the shell to expand variables like*. I believe the correct fix for this is to change the two locations inshell/etc/profile.d/conda.csh(one under default: and one under install:) to use this syntax: ...
I installed cdo with Python 2.7.12, anaconda 64-bit, Redhat Linux 7. The installation went OK. But as soon as I run cdo, it reports the following error cdo: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.9: cannot open shared object fi...
script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ requirements: run: - python - dill- cdo >=2.0.5 # [not win] - cdo !=2.4.1 # [not win] - nco - datashader # [py<311] - multiprocess # [osx]0 comments on commit 6c9bdb3 Please sign in to comment. Foot...