删除虚拟环境中的包: 使用命令conda remove --name $your_env_name $package_name(包名)即可。激活虚拟环境使用如下命令即可激活创建的虚拟环境 Linux: source activate your_env_name(虚拟环境名称)Windows: activate your_env_name(虚拟环境名称) 此时使用python --version可以检查当前python版本是否为想要的(即虚拟...
A system-level, binary package and environment manager running on all major operating systems and platforms. - conda/conda
自建PyPI / Conda 本地缓存或镜像源 Pip 和 Conda 是 Python 的两大软件包管理工具,它们的官方源在国内访问困难,下载速度非常慢。一般情况下我们使用的都是国内的镜像源,例如清华大学的 TUNA 镜像站、阿里云的镜像站。 但是有些软件包体积非常大,安装的时候从镜像站下载下来仍然需要等待很长时间,如果正巧遇到镜像...
- package azure-1.0.2-py27_1 requires python >=2.7,<2.8.0a0, but none of the providers can be installed Could not solve for environment specs The following packages are incompatible ├─ azure is installable with the potential options │├─ azure 1.0.2 would require ││...
mkdir my_python_package:创建一个名为my_python_package的目录。 cd my_python_package:进入该目录。 5. 编写setup.py 在项目目录中创建一个名为setup.py的文件,并添加如下内容: fromsetuptoolsimportsetup,find_packages setup(name='my_python_package',# 项目名称version='0.1',# 版本号packages=find_packages...
couldnotfindfunction"install.packages" 解决一 没去分析原因,在网上查了下。找到安装R环境下的库文件ldpaths,最后一行加上export EDITOR=vim,好像可以。如下: echo"export EDITOR=vim">> /opt/conda/envs/r4py3/lib/R/etc/ldpaths 正常。 R version4.1.3(2022-03-10)-- "One Push-Up"Copyright (C)2022...
$ sudo find~-name _sysconfigdata_x86_64*[sudo]dechin 的密码:/home/dechin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/_sysconfigdata_x86_64_apple_darwin13_4_0.py/home/dechin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/__pycache__/_sysconfigdata_x86_64_apple_darwin13_4_0.cpython-38.pyc/home/dechin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8...
A quick search on the conda official docs will help you to find what each flag does. So far: -y: Do not ask for confirmation. -f: I think it should be --file, so it read package versions from the given file. -q: Do not display progress bar. -c: Additional channel to search ...
conda安装pytorch经常显示couldn't find a version satisify ~~ 1. 原因: python版本太高;pytorch库里面还没有对应这么新的pytorch; 2. 解决方法:降低python版本;3.7肯定没问题。3.8没试过;
To add your anaconda.org channel, or other's channels, to conda so thatconda installwill find and install their packages, run: $ conda config --add channels https://conda.anaconda.org/username (replacingusernamewith the username of the person whose channel you want to add). ...