conda config --set show_channel_urls yes 3.还可以使用中科大(与第二步任选一) conda config --add channels conda config --set show_channel_urls yes 4.之后在使用命令安装 conda install tensorflow...
复制 (base)coder@192~%conda create-husage:conda create[-h][--cloneENV][-nENVIRONMENT|-pPATH][-cCHANNEL][--use-local][--override-channels][--repodata-fnREPODATA_FNS][--strict-channel-priority][--no-...Options:positional arguments:package_spec Packages to install or updateinthe conda e...
To install a specific version of a package, use <package_name>=<version>. Create an environment using conda-forge. %conda create -n mychannelenv -c conda-forge python=3.10 activate mychannelenv Install a package from conda-forge by specifying the channel. ...
only one version of each package is installed (conda preferred). Thank you Best regardsCollaborator xhochy commented Apr 17, 2021 Please post your conda list output. Author SylvainArd commented Apr 17, 2021 via email (sylvain) C:\Windows\System32>conda list # packages in environment at C:...
I tested it only on Windows 11, but I don't see a reason why other Windows operating systems would behave differently. I used a fresh Miniconda installation every time I tested a new activation method. There is another Miniconda installation on the system (23.11.0), but I can reproduce th...
==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <== current version: 4.6.11 latest version: 4.6.14 Please update conda by running $ conda update -n base -c defaults conda ## Package Plan ## environment location: G:\nk_deeplearning\Anaconda\envs\pysot ...
[zsq@localhost ~]$ conda activate python36CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh - zsh - powershellSee 'conda init --he...
Pip 和 Conda 是 Python 的两大软件包管理工具,它们的官方源在国内访问困难,下载速度非常慢。一般情况下我们使用的都是国内的镜像源,例如清华大学的 TUNA 镜像站、阿里云的镜像站。 但是有些软件包体积非常大,安装的时候从镜像站下载下来仍然需要等待很长时间,如果正巧遇到镜像站负载高峰导致下载速度缓慢,那更是雪上...
If a package you want is located in another channel, such as conda-forge, you can manually specify the channel when installing the package: conda install conda-forge::numpy You can also override the default channels in your .condarc file. For a direct example, seeChannel locations (channels)...