(base)coder@192~%conda create-husage:conda create[-h][--cloneENV][-nENVIRONMENT|-pPATH][-cCHANNEL][--use-local][--override-channels][--repodata-fnREPODATA_FNS][--strict-channel-priority][--no-...Options:positional arguments:package_spec Packages to install or updateinthe conda environm...
You can configurecondato use a local onsite repository server with fine-grained access control. With a local repository, you can also control which package versions to use to avoid library dependency conflicts when runtimes are started. You can create local repositories on company servers or in yo...
The conda package and environment manager is included in all versions of [Anaconda]®, [Miniconda], and [Anaconda Repository]. Conda is also included in [Anaconda Enterprise], which provides on-site enterprise package and environment management for Python, R, Node.js, Java, and other applicati...
[[package]] name = "pandas" version = "1.5.3" description = "Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.8" [package.dependencies] numpy = [ {version = ">=1.20.3", markers = "python_version < \...
Remove conda info PACKAGE. Use conda search PACKAGE --info instead. (#12681 via #13634) Remove conda.core.subdir_data.fetch_repodata_remote_request. Use conda.core.subdir_data.SubdirData.repo_fetch.fetch_latest_parsed instead." (#12681 via #13634) Remove conda.exports.memoized. Use functools...
Output in format: Requested package -> Available versions 在conda创建的环境中也可以使用pip安装,执行命令:pip install requests pip 是一个Python包管理工具,主要是用于安装 PyPI 上的软件包。 (oldgeek-study) coder@192 ~ % pip install requests
add_pip_package Add a pip package. Note Adding a dependency of an already referenced package will remove the previous reference and add a new reference to the end of the dependencies list. This may change the order of the dependencies. ...
# Search all versions available on your platform: mamba repoquery search java-access-bridge-wrapper --channel conda-forge # List packages depending on `java-access-bridge-wrapper`: mamba repoquery whoneeds java-access-bridge-wrapper --channel conda-forge # List dependencies of `java-access-bridge...
At its core, Conda is a cross-platform package manager that simplifies the installation and configuration of software packages. It allows you to search for, install, update, and remove packages from a vast repository of pre-built packages. Conda supports a wide range of programming languag...
pip install package-name 1. Poetry Poetry也都遵循相同的安装格式: 复制 poetryaddpackage-name 1. 可用的packages 软件包选择空间大,使得找到最适合需求的特定软件包和版本更容易。 Conda 有些软件包,如 "snscrape",不能通过conda安装。此外,某些版本,如Pandas 2.0,可能无法通过Conda安装。