因为在这个函数里面执行写操作,那么panic也是在这里报出来的了。 我们忽略到无关的代码,先force在 concurrent map writes 报错。我们发现有如下代码 ...ifh.flags&hashWriting!=0{// h是指向map,throw("concurrent map writes")}...// Set hashWriting after calling t.hasher, since t.hasher may panic,/...
在golang中,map不是并发安全的。 经过测试发现concurrent map writes 是无法被recover捕获的。经查看源码发现,concurrent map writes是用throw抛出的。 // runtime/map.go if h.flags&hashWriting != 0 { throw("concurrent map writes") } 然后,再继续往下追踪,发现throw会强制退出程序。 // runtime/panic...
func (l*SMap) writeMap(keyint, valueint) { l.Lock() l.Map[key]=value l.Unlock() }varmMap *SMap func TestMyMap(t*testing.T) { mMap= &SMap{ Map: make(map[int]int), }fori :=0; i <5000; i++{ go func() { mMap.writeMap(i, i) }() go readMap(i) } } func readMap...
func (l*SMap) writeMap(keyint, valueint) { l.Lock() l.Map[key]=value l.Unlock() }varmMap *SMap func TestMyMap(t*testing.T) { mMap= &SMap{ Map: make(map[int]int), }fori :=0; i <5000; i++{ go func() { mMap.writeMap(i, i) }() go readMap(i) } } func readMap...
concurrent map writes 例如下面的代码会出现这个错误: 代码语言:javascript 复制 varmMap map[int]int funcTestMyMap(t*testing.T){mMap=make(map[int]int)fori:=0;i<5000;i++{gofunc(){mMap[i]=i}()goreadMap(i)}}funcreadMap(i int)int{returnmMap[i]} ...
go的map是并发不安全的,当同时启动多个goruotine对一个map进行读写操作时,会出现并发写问题fatal error: concurrent map writes 以下代码会出现:concurrent map writes错误 sg := sync.WaitGroup{} sg.Add(10) tmpResultData := make(map[uint32]string) ...
调用resolve 接口出错的,不能同时多个客户端调用这个么 info:fatal error: concurrent map writes fatal error: concurrent map writes goroutine 1357 [running]: github.com/GopeedLab/gopeed/pkg/download.(*Downloader).Resolve(0xc000132720, 0xc0001401e0) C:/Users
golang map引发的 【fatal error: concurrent map read and map write】问题解决,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Since one of the refactoring(c2bc901) I'm getting randomly a concurrent read/write map error, which causes omp to crash with a fatal panic. Map supports concurrent read but not writes. If a map is used concurrently, we should lock write access(likehttps://github.com/lnu/oh-my-posh3/...
go中的fatal error:concurrent map read and map write 在Go中,如果不对map做同步控制,高并发读写时,会出现fatal级别的错误。复现例子: 错误示例 代码语言:javascript 复制 packagerabbitimport("fmt""testing""time")varcount=100000funcTest_NonConcurrentMap(t*testing.T){nonCMap:=make(map[int]struct{})go...