mechanic场。我选择的场有错误吗?应该用electromechanics吗?是不是要用到moving mesh?这个东西怎么用?
It is also worth mentioning that theSolid Mechanicsinterface cannot be combined with theMoving Meshinterface. TheSolid Mechanicsinterface already computes the domain deformation via the balance of momentum. Other physics, such as heat transfer in solids, are solved on this deformed shape. On the oth...
channel. A Solid Mechanics interface defines the viscoelastic properties of the biological cell. The Multiphysics Branch accomplishes the two-way FSI interaction between the fluid and the solid sphere. We move the cell through the fluid channel by the Moving Mesh interface eliminating the nee...
To demonstrate the moving mesh functionality, we will use the same problem as we did in theprevious blog post on the phase field and level set methods. The model is of a solid bar that is partially immersed in water in a small channel. Note that the moving mesh functionality is actually ...
To model electromigration, we can use COMSOL Multiphysics®to solve multiple different physics simultaneously, including electric currents, solid mechanics, heat transfer, and, of course, the transport of the vacancies themselves. Let’s first take a look at what an interconnect may look like. The...
HFSS vs CST vs COMSOL vs GdfidL vs ACE3P
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Solid Mechanics (solid) and select Fixed Constraint . This boundary condition constrains the displacement of each point on a boundary surface to be zero in all directions. You can also use the ribbon and, from the Physics tab, select Boundaries > ...
Small negative effective plastic strain values. ?Stresses above the yield limit for an ideally plastic material in solid mechanics. ?Some reasons for why these unphysical values occur:Numerical noise is a common cause. When the values of the dependent variables approach zero, the numerical noise ...
1 1 C O M S O L 9 | V A R I O U S A N A L Y S E S O F A N E L B OW B R A C K E T Modeling Instructions S O L I D ME C H A N I C S Fixed Constraint 1 1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Model 1>Solid Mechanics and choose Fixed Constraint. ...
Phase Flow with Moving Mesh??Molecular Flow–Molecular Flow physics interface for rarified gas flow where continuum assumption no longer holds: Kn1–Needed when the mean free path of the molecules is long relative to geometry size ??COMSOL ...