model.component("comp1").material("mat1").propertyGroup().create("Enu", "Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio"); model.component("comp1").physics().create("solid", "SolidMechanics", "geom1"); # model.component("comp1").physics("solid").setGroupBySpaceDimension(true); 刪除 model.comp...
只通过点荷载是不对的,由于各节点均受 10 kN,所以面荷载为 40 kN (version 1.1 添加的笔记)。 phys=comp1.physics.create('solid','SolidMechanics','geom1');phys.create('disp1','Displacement0',0);phys.feature('disp1').selection.set([1]);phys.feature('disp1').setIndex('Direction','prescr...
VON MISES 应力 等值线值 von Mises 应力的绘图表达 等值线图是说明某个设备是否可适应预期操 式 solid.mises 位于替换表达 作条件的最快且最有用的一种方式 - 例如, 式 模型 1 Component 1 设备的某个区域是否将承受高于极限的温度 Solid Mechanics 应力下。 或大于材料屈服强度的应力。 COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS ...
modelingfeaturestotheSolidMechanicsinterface. GlobalEquations1 1OnthePhysicstoolbar,clickGlobalandchooseGlobalEquations. 2IntheSettingswindowforGlobalEquations,locatetheGlobalEquationssection. 3Inthetable,enterthefollowingsettings: Namef(u,ut,utt,t)(1)InitialvalueInitialvalueDescription (u_0)(1)(u_t0)(1/...
The chapter Structural Mechanics Modeling in the same manual provides further assistance. Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2 2 | V A R I O U S A N A L Y S E S O F A N E L B O W B R A C K E T © 2 0 1 1 C O M S O L...
1在ModelBuilder窗口中,找到Model1下的SolidMechanics然后右击选择FixedConstraint. 2点击pasteselection按钮,选择边界,在弹出的对话框中输入151617209295102103(数字与 数字间用空格隔开).然后点击OK。 3在图表查看工具栏中点击ZoomExtents按钮,查看全图. 53 网格1 ...
Preset studies have solver and equation settings adapted to the selected physics, which is, in this example, Solid Mechanics. A Stationary study is used in this case — there are no time-varying loads or material properties. Any selection from the Custom Studies branch requires manual settings....
填写这些信息并单击确定后,COMSOL Multiphysics Server 终端窗口会显示相关 信息,表明 COMSOL Multiphysics Client 已连接.有关在客户端 / 服务器模式下 运行 COMSOL 的更多信息,请参阅 COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual. 在批处理模式下运行 COMSOL Multiphysics 您可以从 COMSOL Desktop 和命令行提交 COMSOL ...
The COMSOL Multiphysics® platform is preloaded with a large set of core physics interfaces for fields such as solid mechanics, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical species transport, and electromagnetics. By expanding the core package with add-on modules from the COMSOL product suite,...
TheSolid Mechanicsinterface is used for a thermomechanical fatigue analysis. First, the material must be defined. To enable the necessary models described in the preceding section, we add nodes with viscoplasticity and creep, shown in Figure 7. ...