今天我们将讨论的过程,一部分已经在为拓扑优化结果设置验证研究时使用过。这篇文章,我们将对此工作流程进行概括,以适用于通过三维成像技术获得的数据。 输入的数据 COMSOL Multiphysics®支持导入不同格式的数据: txt 文件、Excel 文件、CSV 文件、图像、DEM 文件、MATLAB®函数,以及用 C 语言编写的外部函数。扫描的...
integration matlab plot triangulation mesh fem 3d-printing finite-element-methods ansys comsol Updated Dec 18, 2024 MATLAB benfrey / FBG-SimPlus Star 32 Code Issues Pull requests Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) simulation tool for Finite Element Method (FEM) models. Features inclusion of temperature...
As an alternative to the defeature and repair capabilities of the COMSOL® software, so-called virtual operations are also supported to eliminate the impact of artifacts on the mesh, such as sliver and small faces, which do not add to the accuracy of the simulation. In converse to defeaturin...
104 | 4 Click the Build All button in the Settings window for Size to create the mesh, as in this figure: You can also click Build Mesh in the Home tab of the ribbon. | 105 Study 1 To run a simulation, in the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute . You ...
Baking is designed to not only heat a product, such as a cake, but also to prompt the biochemical reactions of the recipe’s ingredients. The combination of dry and wet ingredients creates a mixture that gives the cake flexibility, allowing it to expand while still holding the mixture togethe...
During fermentation, sugars are converted into alcohol, CO2is released, and flavor compounds are formed. How well the process goes can mean the difference between a delicious drink and an unusable batch. With so much at stake and with several variables at play, multiphysics simulation can ease ...
A COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation typically includes one or more field quantities in its output. Depending on the number of field quantities, the geometry’s complexity, and the mesh density required for valid results, simulations can include millions of degrees of freedom (DOFs). Oftentimes, sto...
Here we introduce the two classes of algorithms used to solve multiphysics finite element problems in COMSOL Multiphysics. So far, we’ve learned how to mesh and solve linear and nonlinear single-physics finite element problems, but have not yet considered what happens when there are multiple diff...
between the particles themselves. As a result, modeling the interior space and the structure of the vessel is not important: It suffices to only account for the internal geometry of the walls. The figure below depicts the ultrahigh vacuum setup and, on the right, the mesh for the ...
The mesh required to resolve the electromagnetic wave is rather dense. This is because we need at least five elements to resolve a wavelength, which means that an element cannot be longer than 2 cm for the case of 3 GHz. Figure 9. The mesh is so dense that it is difficult to see the...