A compound microscope is a high power (high magnification) microscope that uses a compound lens system. A compound microscope has multiple lenses: theobjective lens(typically 4x, 10x, 40x or 100x) is compounded (multiplied) by theeyepiece lens(typically 10x) to obtain a high magnification of 4...
标签带-Label with 微生物取样-Microbial ... 微量板-Micro plate 显微镜耗材-Microscope... 玛瑙研钵-Agate morta... 支架-Support **用品-Safety Prod... 取样器-Sampler 剪刀-Scissors 标准筛-Standard sie... 抹刀-Spatula 磁力搅拌子-Magnetic s... 胶塞-Stopper 组织培养-Tissue Cult... 夹...
標簽帶-Label with 微生物取樣-Microbial ... 微量板-Micro plate 顯微鏡耗材-Microscope... 瑪瑙研缽-Agate morta... 支架-Support **用品-Safety Prod... 取樣器-Sampler 剪刀-Scissors 標準篩-Standard sie... 抹刀-Spatula 磁力攪拌子-Magnetic s... 膠塞-Stopper 組織培養-Tissue Cult... 夾...
Using an oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OI-RD) scanning microscope as a label-free detector, we performed a comparative study of the effectiveness of BSA and PVA as macromolecular scaffolds for anchoring small molecule compounds in terms of conjugation efficiency, surface immobilization ...
描述Compound Binocular Microscope with Built-In Camera, Semi-Plan, 110-220 VAC WarrantySee Message 关于该商品的更多信息 Reap the benefits of digital photography and excellent microscopy technology. Use the microscope by itself or plug it into your computer and you're ready to capture, ...
Optical photographs of the sections were captured with an Olympus BX63 microscope. To better analysis the expression level and pattern of CaLEAFY and CaARF23 between WT and mpl1-1, the paraffin sections of WT and mpl1-1 were placed on the same slide for hybridization. Bulk segregation ...
Images were acquired on an LSM880 confocal microscope at ×63 objective and 2× manual zoom. All scale bars = 10 µm. (B) Immunoblot analysis PDIA3 and PDIA6 knockdown efficiency for the cells used in a and Fig. 6e. All data are representative of three independent measurements. ...
Covalent modulators and covalent degrader molecules have emerged as drug modalities with tremendous therapeutic potential. Toward realizing this potential, mass spectrometry-based chemoproteomic screens have generated proteome-wide maps of potential drug
We placed the spherical cap-shaped cornea sample on the microscope stage with the base at the bottom and the convex surface facing the top, and measured the 1033 cm−1 peak of taurine inside the tissue. The axial position of the sample was moved with a 3D piezoelectric stage, and we...
Under the microscope, there are toxic proteins in intra and extra neuronal spaces, which result in progressive neuronal loss and synaptic dysfunction in specific cerebral regions (Humpel and Hochstrasser, 2011). In the initial stages, the medial temporal lobe is affected, and, therefore, areas ...