distinct(Cluster,.keep_all = T) 看看这个结果,再多的组都不怕了 如果你还不满意,不想在自定义因子水平的时候手工写,我还可以把代码再调整一下 dd1 <- compareCluster(gcSample,fun='enricher',TERM2GENE = h_df,pvalueCutoff = 1,qvalueCutoff = 1) data1 <-as.data.frame(dd1) data2 <- data...
代码是跑完了,就compareCluster函数而已,里面的门道够喝一壶了; 代码语言:javascript 复制 library(clusterProfiler)load('data1.Rdata')library(org.Hs.eg.db)en_sym<-select(org.Hs.eg.db,keys=keys(org.Hs.eg.db),columns=c('ENSEMBL','SYMBOL','ENTREZID'))data1[,11:13]<-en_sym[match(rownames...
果子学生信-转录组-48_RNAseq_05_KEGG_comparecluster 果子学生信 1577 1 果子学生信-R语言-19_ggplot2_volcano_search 果子学生信 3327 57 果子学生信-GEO数据分析-33_GEO_KEGG 果子学生信 3064 6 果子学生信-R语言-16_R_tidyr_02 果子学生信 3373 3 ...
代码是跑完了,就compareCluster函数而已,里面的门道够喝一壶了; library(clusterProfiler)load('data1.Rdata')library(org.Hs.eg.db)en_sym<-select(org.Hs.eg.db,keys = keys(org.Hs.eg.db),columns = c('ENSEMBL','SYMBOL','ENTREZID'))data1[,11:13]<- en_sym[match(rownames(data1),en_sym...
求助:用clusterprofiler的compareCluster富集分析后画图,报错 我有2个基因集,用compareCluster富集分析,输出的富集结果excel表格里显示2个基因都富集到几十个 GO term。 画图时,如图设置showCategory = NULL ,报错 ; 设置showCategory = 10,报错 ; 设置showCategory = 8 ,成功 ;...
Y叔你好, 在使用compareCluster函数对多个数据集做比较分析后,使用dotplot绘制结果,发现排序让我挺困惑的,所以想请教一下。我查看函数说明默认是以geneRatio排序的,但看着结果图又感觉不是哎。 (分析的时候是照着您Bioconductor的包主页做的,我也记不清具体您有没有
I tried but it didn't work, so therefore I explicitly would like to ask: is it possible to use compareCluster with gseKEGG (or the generic GSEA function), analogous to the generic enricher function(s) (#326)? If not, may I kindly put this forward as a feature request? One reason ...
Utilice el comando clustercompare para comparar una recopilación de clusters con otra, así como para ver los clusters que existen exclusivamente en el rango actual frente a los clusters que existen exclusivamente en el rango base. Este comando devuelve una tabla con nueve columnas: Recopilació...
Following are some typical scenarios for using the Cluster Compare utility. You can compare two sets of log data by reducing the duplicates and showing only the unique clusters found in each set. This can possibly find the root-cause for an issue by remo
Compare of method Fuzzy Cluster Means and Fuzzy Geographically Weighted Clustering were used. The variables used in this study were the School Operational Aid (BOS) funds, total coaching costs, and total regency/city management costs in Central Java Province. The best result of the clustering ...