I will also go back into Blackboard and figure out what I did wrong with respect to releasing the CAT rubric for the Bali High School prompt. If you have any trouble with your School Improvement Plan or curriculum, feel free to shoot me an email or text, or give me a call at (203...
The diagram correctly models the expression 3+4×2 With addition we are finding the sum of two addends. In this example the first addend is the number 3. The second addend Happens to be the number that is the value of the expression 4×2, so before we can add we must determine the ...
NCSC Summative Assessments Coordinate with the general assessment used by each member state (in SC this is SBAC); Utilize alternate academic achievement standards strongly linked with the CCSS; Yield scores that can be used for accountability purpose(s); and Utilize a technology-based management syst...