To earn a commercial pilot certificate, a pilot must: Aeronautical Experience & Qualifications Medical Requirements In order to exercise the privileges of a commercial pilot license, you must hold either a second- or first-classmedical certificate, which can be obtained through an aeromedical examiner...
I’ve used Dauntless apps to prepare for every FAA written test I’ve taken, and my lowest score is 90%. Two features that are absolutely worth mentioning are the ability to share test results with an instructor, which allows a student to prepare on their own tim. An instructor can track...
Whether you just started earning your commercial wings and want to save some money on ground school or you are at the point where the FAA knowledge test is knocking at the door, our Commercial Pilot Written Preparation Course is what you have been looking for. ACE YOUR COMMERCIAL PILOT KNOWLE...
Ship Radar Endorsement Written Examination Elements-Yes! Five by Five can help you prepare for any or all of the following written examination elements. Element 1:Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly...
Ship Radar Endorsement Written Examination Elements-Yes! Five by Five can help you prepare for any or all of the following written examination elements. Element 1:Basic radio law and operating practice with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. To pass, an examinee must correctly...
UseofPracticalTestStandardsupdated Inpreparationforeachpracticaltest,theexaminershalldevelopawritten ―planofaction‖foreachpractical test. The ―plan of action‖ is a tool, for the sole use of the examiner, to be used in evaluating the applicant. The plan of ...
process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or ref...