In total, you must pass three FAA exams to get your private pilot license, though two of those are combined into one event. Written Exam The first exam you must pass is commonly called the written exam, but the FAA regulations refer to it as the “aeronautical knowledge exam.” This is...
My 13 Day Private Pilot Training (One full day ahead of schedule) AFIT’s program was the only way that I could schedule the time to earn my certificate. I followed Tony’s instructions to the letter, carefully preparing for the written exam and getting my pre-flight schooling completed. ...
A Private Pilot License, or in the USA - a Private Pilot Certificate, is the first step in a career as a pilot. Learn about the private pilot license; including privileges, requirements, eligibility, and how to earn your private pilot license.
You must also have completed a minimum of 1,500 hours of flight time, including at least 500 hours of instruction from a certified flight instructor. In addition, you must pass a written exam and a practical test administered by the FAA. There are several different types of pilot licenses, ...
也叫FAA WrittenTest,是计算机考试,会考地面课程的内容,70分通过。如果完成了所有的地面课程和阶段考试,一般都没有问题。很多公司都有出题库的(Question Bank),题目都差不多。强烈建议,别paper,理解所有的东西,这可是关系你安全的。另外,作弊很傻逼,不解释。 2. 口试和飞行实践考试。 也叫Oral Examand Practice ...
Tailwheel Aircraft Endorsement Test Seaplane Rating Test Glider Pilot Test Specialized FAA Exams: Military Competency Exam (MCE) for Military Pilots Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Test Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) Exam Airline & Career Pilot Exams: FAA Air Carrier Written Exam FAA Dispatcher Test...
图:Base turn to Pilot Country (X05) airport 包含地面课程部分和飞行课程部分:地面课程 地面课程...
After your instructor feels you are ready and you are eligible under 14 CFR 61.103, you will receive an endorsement to complete your final exam or “check ride” accompanied by a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) who will ask you questions and assess your abilities. More information about DPEs ...