美国民机飞行员培训 1.美国民用飞机飞行员培训 第一步:取得私人飞行员执照,成为PrivatePilot第二步:成为飞行教官FlightInstructor(single- engineaircraft),获得商业飞行员资格AirlineCareerPilot第三步:进行AirlineTransitionTraining,获得更多的飞行经验(multi-enginetime),增加被航空公司聘用的机会第四步:飞机改装...
I want to thank you for all AFIT did to help me get my private pilot license, purchase a plane and get a high performance endorsement. I was amazed when you helped me look at ads for planes and advised me as I made an offer on the most promising one. I was also impressed with th...
The system output is solely based on the system's own logic and algorithms, and does not represent any endorsement, recommendation, or advice from Microsoft or any other entity. Microsoft disclaims any liability or responsibility for any damages, losses, or harms arising from the use of this ...
Fleet consists of several Piper and Cessna single-engine aircraft and Piper Senecas for multi-engine training, as well as several Piper Chieftains for high performance endorsement. Our facilities offer comfort, practicality, and all the instructional material needed for a satisfying learning experience....
You're flying in a single-engine, high performance, complex airplane. You hold a Private Pilot certificate with an airplane single-engine land rating, but don't have a high-performance or complex airplane endorsement. Your friend, who has those endorsements, is acting as PIC for the flight....
How long does it take to become a pilot? » How long does it take to become a commercial airline pilot? Enroll in accelerated flight training with ATP and go from zero experience to a commercial airline pilot, with 1500 hours, in two and a half years. Learn how you can become an ai...
At some point in the future I’ll continue so as to get checked out as well as to get the high performance endorsement. Totals: 1.4 hrs in a C182RG. GUMPS-worthy Father’s Day in Santa Barbara June 19, 2016 Ilya HaykinsonLeave a comment May 2015 — Mateo’s first flight with me...
(iv) will not take on any obligation or responsibility, or make any representation, warranty, guarantee or endorsement to anyone on our behalf (including, without limitation, any of our products or services); and (v) will not state or imply that We have developed, endorsed, reviewed or ...
If you have been considering your tailwheel endorsement, here is your chance to do it in a post-WWII golden age of aviation classic. Our 1947 Stinson is one of the lowest time airplanes to be found in the whole country, and has a newly overhauled Franklin engine, Garmin GNS430 GPS nav...
Also provide Tailwheel Endorsement training and advanced tailwheel training for certificated pilots. All training conducted by high time overall and high time tail-wheel, standard category CFII instructors. Established 1993. School Type Details / E-Mail / Visit Web Page (Visits: 3175) 27 - ...