Delete the VLAN port whose name is "bond_0_1.23". admin:/>delete vlan general name=bond_0_1.23 WARNING: You are about to delete VALN. This operation interrupts existing connections of VLAN, and leads to loss of all IP addresses and route configurations of it. Suggestion: Before you perfor...
Argument: [vlan-id] is the VLAN of the vid to create / delete, with a range of 1~4094.Command mode: global configuration mode Default: the switch defaults to only vlan1.Instruction: vlan1 is the default VLAN for the switch, and the user cannot configure and delete vlan1. The total ... Command:VLAN[vlan-id] NoVLAN[vlan-id] Function:createVLANandenterVLANconfigurationmode;in VLANmode,theusercanconfiguretheVLANnameandassignthe switchporttotheVLAN;thenooperationofthiscommandis todeletethespecifiedvlan. Argument:[vlan-id]istheVLANofthevidtocreate/delete, ...
The specified subordinate group VLANs are not super-VLANs and do not have any VLANIF interface. The specified subordinate group VLANs do not have any VLANIF interface. Before configuring a VLAN as a subordinate group VLAN, run the undo subordinate group command to delete all its member interf...
debug platform vlan To enable debugging of the VLAN manager software, use the debug platform vlan command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command. debug platform vlan { error | mvid | rpc } no deb...
client vlan To configure a WLAN interface or an interface group, use the client vlan command. To disable the WLAN interface, use the no form of this command. client vlan interface-id-name-or-group-name no client vlan Syntax...
-iup <INCLUDE_UDP_PORT>, --include-udp-port <INCLUDE_UDP_PORT> Includes UDP traffic on any specified ports, where the <INCLUDE_UDP_PORT> defines the port or ports you want to include. Delimitate multiple ports by commas, with no spaces. -vlan <INCLUDE_VLAN_IDS>, --include-vlan-ids ...
vlan-interfaces : IP interfaces for VLANs cumulus@switch:~$ net example bridge Scenario === We are configuring switch1 and would like to configure the following - configure switch1 as an L2 switch for host-11 and host-12 - enable vlans 10-20 - place...
1.1Management VLAN Configuration Commands 1.1.1description Syntax descriptiontext undo description View VLAN view, VLAN interface view Parameter text: Description string to be assigned to the current VLAN or current VLAN interface. lThe description string of a VLAN comprises 1 to 32 characters and def...
vlan -> (integer) The ID of the VLAN. partnerName -> (string) The name of the Direct Connect service provider associated with the connection. loaIssueTime -> (timestamp) The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection. ...