Use thevlanVLAN Configuration mode or Global Configuration mode command to create a VLAN and assign it a name (if only a single VLAN is being created). Use thenoform of this command to delete the VLAN(s). Syntax vlanvlan-range| {vlan-id[namevlan-name]} [media ethernet] [state activ...
Issue the command to delete VLAN 48: snmpset -c private crumpy vtpVlanEditOperation.1 integer 2 cisco.ciscoMgmt.ciscoVtpMIB.vtpMIBObjects.vlanEdit.vtpEditControlTable.vtpEditControlEntry.vtpVlanEditOperation.1 : INTEGER: copy snmpset -c private crumpy vtpVlanEditRowStatus.1.48 integer 6 cisco....
spanning-tree vlan 10 port-priority 10 将端口权值10赋与VLAN 10. interface fastethernet0/2 进入F0/2 spanning-tree vlan 3 port-priority 10 将端口权值10赋与VLAN 3. spanning-tree vlan 4 port-priority 10 将端口权值10赋与VLAN 4 spanning-tree vlan 5 port-priority 10 将端口权值10赋与VLAN 5 s...
First remove this command to avoid losing the connections no ip dhcp snooping vlan 1 Have console cable to connect to your device. 1-connect your client group on Switch conf t VLAN 10 name clientgroup *** 2- interface G0/1 [client
no interface port-channel <<- remove the PO from SWthen reload the SW/R and do check again that it 0 Helpful Reply FrankFlintstone16044 Level 1 In response to MHM Cisco World 08-11-2022 03:46 AM switch(config)#no port-channel% Incomplete command. switch(config)#no port-chann...
For explanations about using the add, all, except, and remove keywords, see the command reference for this release. The vlan-list parameter is either a single VLAN number from 1 to 4094 or a range of VLANs described by two VLAN numbers, the lower one first, separated by a hyphen. Do ...
Delete flash:/vlan.dat? [confirm] Switch# f. 使用 erase startup-config 命令从 NVRAM 中删除启动配置文件。 系统会提示您确认删除配置文件。 按 Enter 键确认清除此文件。 (按其他任意键中止此操作。) Switch# erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Contin...
you don’t need to have this situation. With the Cisco “ip helper-address” command configured on the Layer3 interface which receives the client’s DHCP broadcast, you can transform the broadcast request into aunicastand send it to a centralized DHCP server which can be located to a differe...
A.The 4400 WLC is an appliance that attaches to your network but does not function like a router. There must be a Layer 3 device to route packets between VLANs. The WLC maps the SSID of the clients to the VLAN subnet and puts them back out on the management interface for the upstream...
1、首先用笔记本通过控制线连接到交换机com口,打开超级终端调试窗口。:交换机重新上电,上电过程中,按住交换机正面"mode"按钮,直到sys灯不闪动为止(即:常亮状态),进入到交换机的底层模式switch。2、输入命令<flash_init > 回车,初始化flash文件系统。该模式下,不支持命令的缩写,一定要把命令写...