If the mask is not rectangular, alpha will be applied to areas outside of the mask. If you paste the image back withPaste By Mask, areas with 0 alpha will not be pasted. Tips You will frequently want to useMask To Regionto generate the mask to cut out. You can then cut out both ...
new_im = Image.new(mode, pil_im.size, color) new_im.paste(orig_image, mask=pil_im) processed_images.append(pil2tensor(new_im)) processed_masks.append(pil2tensor(pil_im)) return ( torch.cat(processed_images, dim=0), torch.cat(processed_masks, dim=0) ) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "...
"GR85_PasteByMaskGr85", "GR85_RandomAtmLocOutfit", "GR85_RandomFloat", "GR85_RandomInt", "GR85_RandomRatio", "GR85_RandomTitleCharacter", "GR85_RandomWildcardTagPicker", "GR85_SaveImageFile", "GR85_SaveTextFile", "GR85_SeedBasedOutputSelector", "GR85_ShowText", "GR85_SimpleWild...
# *** PASTE BY MASK ***: image_base = core.tensor2rgba(images) image_to_paste = core.tensor2rgba(cutted_image) mask = core.tensor2mask(mask_image_final) # Scale the mask to be a matching size if it isn't B, H, W, C = image_base.shape MB = mask.shape[0] PB...
To prevent regeneration caused by the seed that does not change every time when using 'external_seed', please disable the 'seed random generate' option in the 'Detailer...' node. MASK to SEGS - Generates SEGS based on the mask. MASK to SEGS For AnimateDiff - Generates SEGS based on the...
Ctrl+Vto paste. Ctrl+Shift+Vto paste with input connections intact. Moving multiple nodes Create agroupto move a set of nodes together. Alternatively, hold down Ctrl and drag to create a box to select multiple nodes. You can also hold down Ctrl to select multiple nodes. ...
Homebrewis a package manager for Mac. Open theTerminalapp, paste the following command, and press return. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" Step 2: Install a few required packages ...
open. From this menu, you can either open a dialog to create a SAM Mask using 'Open in SAM Detector', or copy the content (likely mask data) using 'Copy (Clipspace)' and generate a mask using 'Impact SAM Detector' from the clipspace menu, and then paste it using 'Paste (Clipspace)...
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Shift + V Copy and paste selected nodes (maintaining connections from outputs of unselected nodes to inputs of pasted nodes) Shift + Drag Move multiple selected nodes at the same time Ctrl + D Load default graph Alt + + Canvas Zoom in Alt + - Canvas Zoom out Ctrl +...
MaskScaleBy: 根据指定比例缩放遮罩 详细说明 MaskScale: 根据指定宽高缩放遮罩 详细说明 人脸分析工具: GeneratePreciseFaceMask: 生成精确的人脸遮罩 详细说明 AlignImageByFace: 根据图像中的人脸进行旋转对齐 详细说明 FaceCutout: 切下人脸并进行缩放 详细说明 FacePaste: 将人脸图像贴回原图 详细说明 ExtractBoundin...