Loans are an option for anyone, but of course you need to pay these back over time. Scholarships, on the other hand, are “gifts” that require no repayment. Companies, organizations, or individuals may decide to set up a fund for needy students who fit a certain set of criteria. You ...
The NAACP, with the help of the United Negro College Fund, administers six annual scholarships to promising students. To participate in the NAACP scholarship program, students must complete a ...
Your college or university should be a primary source for minority assistance, both in grants and scholarships. Professional organizations and associations such as theAmerican Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountantsand theNational Black Nurses' Associationprovide support to students usually in th...
In its push toward a more diverse corporate America, Apple on Tuesday announced two $10,000 scholarships for minority university students looking at future careers in the tech industry. The "Product Integrity Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship" includes two awards meted out by the company...
The Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Program works to address the needs of minority college students by awarding as many as 60 scholarships per year and providing comprehensive mentoring to students across the US. In addition to awards for graduating high school seniors, the foundation offers awa...
College scholarships for college-bound high school seniors. Financial aid for college: grants, fellowships, internships and loans for graduating high school students.
Scholarships available to African American graduate students If you’re a prospective or current graduate student, then check out some scholarships that may be available to you below. The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students,...
College scholarships for college-bound high school seniors. Financial aid for college: grants, fellowships, internships and loans for graduating high school students.
The Gates Scholarship — College Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors Sep 15 The Gates Scholarship is a highly selective, full scholarship for distinguished, Pell-eligible, minority, high school seniors. The scholarship will be awarded to 300 top student leaders each year with the intent ...
Through this program, TCA provides up to 100 scholarships—of $500 to $2,000—per year to eligible American undergraduate and graduate minority students who are accepted to study for a semester or a year at a university in Bosnia and Herzegovina....