There’s no limit to the number of scholarships that you can apply for, and under most circumstances, this is money for college and graduate school that you won’t need to pay back. While some people might operate under the assumption that you need to have a perfect grade point average ...
If you are not a stellar student, that’s okay; there are so many college scholarships available for people of all lifestyles and occupations – single parents, good students, average students, minorities, and more! Do not let the prospect of paying for school scare you; there are literally ...
Our scholarship guide and resources help you search and compare hundreds of college scholarships. Apply for scholarships based on merit and financial need.
500 for a family of four—may be eligible for the Covenant Program. The program is open to both first-year students and transfers. The Covenant makes it possible to graduate debt-free and meets financial needs through grants and scholarships without the need for students to take out loans. ...
Highly competitive and prestigious undergraduate college scholarships, graduate fellowships, education grants, summer jobs, research internships, awards for high school seniors, women, minorities, Hispanics, African Americans, nurses, teachers, math, sci
Merit Based Scholarships Scholarships for Minorities College Scholarships for Women Scholarships by Year Scholarships for College Students Scholarships for High School Seniors Scholarships for High School Juniors Scholarships for High School Sophomores Scholarships for High School Freshmen Return...
College scholarships for college-bound high school seniors. Financial aid for college: grants, fellowships, internships and loans for graduating high school students.
Google Scholarships for Computer Science- Win up to $10,000 with these scholarships for college students majoring in computer science or related field. Most of these student scholarships are for undergraduates in their junior or senior year, or graduate students who are underrepresented in computer ...
21. La Unidad Latina Foundation Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Latino Students Amount: $500-$2,000Deadline: Passed, but will reopen in 2024Eligibility:Minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 GPA scale Enrolled on a full-time basis, in a bachelor’s program at an accredited four-year ...
NYWIC offers between 15-20 scholarships for young women in high school, college, or graduate school in the northeast (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania). Students mush be majoring or planning to major in a communications field, and graduate students must be members of the NY...