Your college or university should be a primary source for minority assistance, both in grants and scholarships. Professional organizations and associations such as theAmerican Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountantsand theNational Black Nurses' Associationprovide support to students usually in th...
also a good idea to apply for a minority scholarship if you are part of fully of a certain ethnicity. You will get to represent your culture and possibly win money -- what more could you ask for? Scholarships for Women As with the scholarships for minorities above, there are also schola...
UNCF is the largest private scholarship provider for minorities. They award more than $100 million in scholarships to students attending more than 1,100 schools nationwide each year, including 37 HBCUs. The organization has multiple scholarship and career development programs, which can be research...
The program’s S.M.I.L.E. scholarships are granted to students who have completed their associate degree at eligible community colleges and are looking to transfer to a four-year school to earn their bachelor’s degree. Applications for the S.M.I.L.E. scholarships are open in January ...
The Optimist Club offers scholarships as prizes for three contests administered at the level of local Optimist Clubs: the Essay Contest, the Oratorical Contest, and the Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. A plaque and scholarship of $2500 will be awarded to the winner (the...
The Gates Scholarship is a selective and prestigious last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Last-dollar scholarships are meant to cover any costs remaining after grants and institutional aid are applied. Every year, Gates Scholarship recipients...
the cost of tuition can seem like an obstacle, but it does not have to be. If you are not a stellar student, that’s okay; there are so many college scholarships available for people of all lifestyles and occupations – single parents, good students, average students, minorities, and more...
Learn about theFive College Financial Aid Mythsthat could cost you your chance to receive a scholarship or grant. Scholarships for Minorities The struggle a diverse student body has created many unique opportunities for minority financial aid. Private foundations, corporate sponsors, and even colleges ...
College scholarships for college-bound high school seniors. Financial aid for college: grants, fellowships, internships and loans for graduating high school students.
College scholarships for college-bound high school seniors. Financial aid for college: grants, fellowships, internships and loans for graduating high school students.