Query to List: ValueList 将Query 的 Result 转换为 List 代码语言:javascript 复制 valueList(column, [delimiter]) ListLen 获取List 的长度, 在 Loop 的时候可能会用到 ListContains 代码语言:javascript 复制 ListContains(list, substring [, delimiters, includeEmptyValues ]) ##ListContains(aList, ...
1.compute the hash string valueofthe XMLPost string above:a.convert the base64 salt string to aUTF-8byte array.b.convert the base64XMLpayload string to aUTF-8byte array.c.create anewbytearray consistingoftheXMLpayload bytes from step b,appendedwiththe salt bytes from step a.d.perform a...
I found an interesting discussion between the community and Adobe today regarding early cfscript functionality for tags. They use CFCs (query.cfc, ldap.cfc, http.cfc, etc.) located in the ColdFusion installation directory. I found this interesting as I never put together that the early introduct...
Basically, it figures out what properties the object has that should be listed, and creates a table that lists them for some query result set. Normally, this just outputs the variable's value on a cell with a white background. The slight change in this case was that depending on the ...
ColdFusion takes care of the serialization/deserialization of the ColdFusion data types used in the services to XML or JSON implicitly. A function that is REST-enabled can take the following ColdFusion data types as arguments: query, struct, CFC type, array, array of CFCs, XML, string, ...
</cfquery> I have not found any way to escape a space in a column name inside QoQ. But, thankfully there is a way we can manipulate the column names to remove the space. <cfset colNameArray = customers.getColumnNames() />
public static coldfusion.sql.QueryTable getColdFusionQuery(java.sql.ResultSet rs) { return new coldfusion.sql.QueryTable(rs); } } Grabbing a QueryTable from a JRUN datasource using parameterized queries (instead of <cfqueryparam>): <cfset context = createObject("java","javax.naming.Context")...
Case 9 To 10 description = "Greater than 8" Case Else description = "Not between 1 and 10" End SelectLoopingWith the exception of using cfoutput to write a query result set to the browser, virtually all looping in CFML is accomplished with the cfloop tag. Visual Basic (along with ...
It’s a nit pick, but maybe something that someone writing a code generator will want to follow: As long as we’re talking about local scope vs. variables scope, we should probably put result="local.result" in the cfquery command. Otherwise, a variable called cfquery.executiontime gets ...