是指在Coldfusion中使用Query of Queries(QoQ)时,通过HAVING子句来筛选结果,并在筛选条件中使用两个额外的列。 QoQ是Coldfusion中的一种功能,它允许在已有的查询结果上执行另一个查询。通过QoQ,可以对查询结果进行进一步的筛选、排序和分组等操作,以满足特定的需求。 HAVING子句是用于在分组查询中对分组结果进行筛选...
Query of Query 代码语言:javascript 复制 <cfset subCategoryIDs=valueList(getsubcategories.subCategoryID)> 代码语言:javascript 复制 <cfquery name="getproducts"> SELECT * FROM products WHERE subCategoryID in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#subCategoryIDs#" list="true">) ORD...
在ColdFusion中,有一个”query of queries”的概念。不妨将它翻译为“基于查询的查询”。使用方式为,首先将数据从物理数据库中取出来,当然这里的数据库可以是任何广义上的数据库,然后将数据赋给一个查询变量驻留在内存中。然后可以基于这个内存中的“小型数据库”进行查询操作。笔者这里并不讨论这种方式的优缺点,只是...
Hi, We applied this update to our CF server and immediately started getting errors on Query of Query. The only thing CF returns in the error message is "getColumnType() null". The QoQs that it errored on so far were using UNION. Is this a known issue...
(What you say is true of any special hotfixes, such as the recent one for query of query issues in the September CF updates). Anyway, I hear you saying you're busy, so I'll leave this as much for other readers to consider in the meantime. /Charlie (troubleshoot...
If using an AWS package based API results in a class-not-found error, delete the content of <cf_home>/cfusion/bin/felix-cache and restart ColdFusion. Coldfusion 2023 Date functions on date value returned by a query (mySQL DB) throw an error. To resolve the error, add -Dcoldfusion.jdbc...
ColdFusion がリクエストを受け取ると、サーバーはテンプレートを解析して、ColdFusion 固有のタグ(CF で始まるタグ)または ColdFusion の変数と関数を探します。 HTML とプレーンテキストは無視され、そのままブラウザーで出力されます。すべての ColdFusion コンストラクトが処理され、結果が ...
ColdFusion 10: For-In construct to loop over Query and List ColdFusion 10 - reEscape() vs. Java Pattern’s Quote() Method Hashing Byte Arrays (Binary Data) With ColdFusion Before ColdFusion 10 ColdFusion 10 - Hashing Binary Data And Byte Arrays ColdFusion 10 - ColdFusion Query Of Queries vs...
Release notes Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release) | Release Notes Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in theAdobe ColdFusion Community. We would love to hear from you and address your queries. ...
It is an application problem ,the query is working fine in oracle,as I told u when I am using this parallel in coldfusion as a coldfusion query it take this /* as a comment so the parallel is not working and it takes almost 5 m inutes to retrieve 10000+ records. –Ravi Kumar Comm...